
One Month Closer to College: 11 mo. Update

Tomorrow, Max turns 11 months old. That means that one month from tomorrow, he'll be a year old. No, I have not started planning a party and forgot to tell you. In fact, I have not started planning a party at all.

The las week or so we have seen amazing leaps in Max's activities. Last weekend, he decided he missed waving, and that it might be OK to wave at people other than Sunny. Sorry, Sunny. Now, Max waves bye-bye all the time, and sometimes, just for the heck of it. Also, he is really working at standing on his own. Often, now, he will practice balancing and standing on his own. And if he catches his balance long enough to get brave, he'll even take a step. I hope to get a picture or video of this, soon!

Max loves bath time. We have a pirate ship that he loves, along with some of his other little plastic toys that float. He loves chasing them around the bath tub, and splashing, and making waves!

In the last week, Max has also started to get a little clingy to Mama. He wants me to be near, or holding him, if he knows I am around. He hasn't had a problem with me leaving or when I drop him off at school, yet, he just doesn't want me to set him down. I know that in a few short years (or, more likely, months), I'll be whining because he won't let me hold him at all, but it makes it really hard to get dressed in the morning with an almost-toddler glued to your side!

I am so excited about the coming summer and spending lots of time with Max doing outdoor activities-especially once he is walking! We have lots of fun Grandparents' houses and land to explore, Farmer's Markets, parks, back yards, zoos, and more! Clint just started a new job (yay!), and has mornings off, so I'm even envisioning swimming lessons with Papa! The guys have really been enjoying their 'boy time' together.

That's all I've got for now. I know that this post is going to get me in trouble with multiple sets of Grandparents who have not seen their grandson in far too long...I'm sorry! We'll come visit soon, I promise!

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