
All I Want For Christmas...

Max's second bottom tooth came in on Monday! And let me tell you, those little things are sharp! I don't know how soon he'll be able to wish you a Merry Christmas, but we are definitely moving in that direction. We hope that all of your holiday preparations and activities are bringing you joy! I certainly hope that we get to see each and every one of you very soon!


1 Down, 19 to Go...

No, I'm not referring to the number of years until Clint and I are FREE...(just kidding, sorta). This morning, Max got his first tooth! Or rather, sometime between last night and this morning. And after at least 3 months of crankiness and face rash and drooling and 'should I give him tylenol or does he just need a nap?' we finally have an honest-to-God tooth. It is a small thing, but it feels like such a victory. Go Team! and all that jazz. I would post a picture, but I've never been a fan of pictures of the inside of people's mouths...That, and I don't want to encourage Max's taste for consumer electronics (he particularly likes to try to eat the camera).

But I promise, some more pictures coming, soon.


Shhh....They're Sleeping

My boys are taking a pre-church nap, and so I will take this moment to post some of those pictures I've been talking about...

Clint & Max at the good ol' Kerbey. Max can use high chairs now! Yay!

Post bath-time fun with the mirror. (please ignore the toothpaste)

And fun with tupperware!


Happy Thanksgiving

Alright, I know it's been over a month since anything has been posted here...Once again, I'm sorry. And I have tons of adorable pictures and videos that I am dying to post-and maybe that will happen sometime in the next 3 days that I don't have to be at work. But not today.

Despite our best efforts to the contrary (and the gloomy, chilly weather) the warm fuzzies of the holiday have gotten to us, and we are very Thankful today. And we have much to be thankful for, on Max's first Thanksgiving. We are thankful for the blessings of our friends and family who have seen us through the wild ups and downs of the last two years. It's hard to believe that this time, 2 years ago, we were not even contemplating moving to Houston, yet; and that this time, last year, we were already back in Austin and I was 5 months pregnant with Max... We have many, many blessings in our lives, but we count you all as number 1.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving,
Alex, Clint & Max


Puppy Love

Last night we went over to Trish's and played with the many puppies she has over there right now (hers, Chaco, and a few friends' she is dog-sitting). It reminded me that I hadn't posted the pictures of Max and Winston, Mimi & Pop's dog (Clint's Stepmom &Dad). Max loves Winston & his kisses, but it appeared that Winston really only loved the attention that Max was getting from everyone else! Here are a few more:


Fall Update

I have really missed blogging in my busy-ness, and I find myself remembering things I forgot to put in my last post while I'm supposed to be doing other things. Like working. Max is doing so much these days, and seems to be developing new interests and skills at a lightening-fast pace.

He is still working on the crawling, but is able to combination commando-crawl and lunge just about anywhere he wants to get to. In addition, he is now pulling up into a kneeling position and, once in a blue moon, into a standing position. After getting into his shelf of supplies (read: diaper cream, Tylenol, nail clippers, clothes etc.) AND pitching himself onto the floor, he has now officially graduated to a crib. He loves to use these skills in combination to climb all over Clint and I, whenever possible! He especially loves to climb all over Clint while he's trying so sleep.

And Max is now sitting up! Max can hold himself up to play, and even push himself into a sitting position every now and again. This makes shopping much more exciting, as he now loves to ride in the shopping cart and see all he sights, instead of being cooped up in his carseat. He is so proud of himself and excited when he gets to ride in the cart! His adorable & huge grin of pride sweeps across his face, and I can't help but laugh.

Max is mischievous and curious. He loves to examine faces, hair, and hands. He will grab one of my hands by two fingers (one in each of his own hands), and examine it thoroughly. Then he will hold up his own hand and compare the two. As I mentioned before with his shelf, he is getting into anything & everything he can. He loves my cell phone and watches, after Uncle Ray (Clint's Uncle) showed him his watch with a lighting face. He is always looking at my watch, examining the face intently.

And, of course, everything goes in the mouth, because he is teething. And boy, is it making him cranky. But those teeth will be worth it as we slowly work our way towards chewing foods. Max is now eating oat cereal, yams, bananas, and peas. He seems to have liked everything so far, though it took a while to get used to the texture of the smooshed bananas. Frankly, I can't blame him. I'm not much of a banana fan, myself.

But the best thing Max is doing right now? Kisses. As long as you don't mind slobbery, snotty, open-mouthed kisses, that is. And babbling. He has several consonant-vowel combos down now, including ba-ba, um-ma, and others, along with lots of spitting & razzing. But the most common is still 'mamama.' I'm not complaining. :)

PS-Happy Birthday, Daddy!!! Clint is 24 today.


Phone Improvements

While standing in line with Grandma (Alex's mom) at Home Depot, I called Clint and Max took interest in my cell phone (which he has been doing quite a bit recently). So, I handed it to him. And then the checkout girl got this half-amused, half-horrified look on her face:

"Is he teething on your phone?"

"Yep, it looks like it."
Without batting an eye.

But then, I saw that coming. Oh, how my life has changed.


Kicking & Screaming

I just listened to Max scream for an hour. He was crying so hard that his voice was cracking and I can still hear his sobs subsiding from the other room as his diaphragm regulates his breathing. What, you might ask, was he so upset about that he would spend an hour screaming bloody murder? What could possibly be worth leading the neighbors to think that, indeed, we might be child abusers? Nap time. NAP TIME. I want to return to an age where a nap was the worst possible thing someone could do to me (instead of the best words in the English language)...


Good to be Home

Chicago was a blast. Really, a very cool city with some amazing food. But, I must say, it's really good to be home. And in a new home, at that. It's messy and full of boxes and other randomness right now (and not looking like it will anytime soon be less so), but it has so much potential, and it is ours.

And then, of course, there is Max. My sweet boy seemed so much different when I came home last night. Bigger with rounder cheeks. And oh, what he is doing now...My baby boy is getting so very big & strong & smart. He and his dad had such a great time without me that I was a little worried my little one might have forgotten me-until I got The Grin. You guys know the one. It makes my heart melt.

Max is almost crawling. He can get about one knee/arm combo before he lunges and goes back to his commando crawling, which he has got down. He is all over the place. Clint bought one of those semi-permanent fence/pens to put in his room so that we can get some things done around here without having to worry about what he has gotten himself into under our very noses.

And last night he pulled himself up in his cradle! Clint and I were lying on the bed, heads toward his cradle, talking about my trip, when Clint looked over and said "look at him!' And there was Max, holding on to the rails of his cradle, standing with the Biggest Grin You Ever Did See on his face. So very proud of himself. He couldn't figure out how to do it a second time which, to be perfectly honest, is just fine with me. Slow down!

And he talks and babbles more and more. Some of my favorite times are when he randomly starts 'talking' to me or even to himself in the car. This evening he was saying 'mmammammammammammamma' with very exagerated mouth motions (emphasis on the mmm...imagine trying to eat your lower lip) and food in his mouth, and I just couldn't help but crack up every time he started back up. He didn't want to stop. It was a riot. And he has really started figuring out that his tongue will move in different ways. He seems to always have it hanging out of his mouth or rolling around in his lips. In addition to putting everything in his mouth, he has decided that he likes to lick. Especially faces. And noses? Oh, noses are the best.

Then there is his little personality. He is still such a happy boy, but becoming more aware of what he likes & doesn't like. Such as toys he wants to play with and that you should not ever, under any circumstance even think of taking away. He knows when you think it. Or, of course, the ever-dreaded bed time. Why sleep when you could be playing? Even when you are so tired that can no longer hold your little body up and so cranky even the toys can't amuse you anymore... And dogs. We heart dogs. Any kind, big or small. As longs as they have fur and tongues and will run around and be excitable.

There is so much more that lack of sleep will not let me remember. So, instead, I will leave you with a picture or two from our trip to see family a few weeks ago.


Really? It's October?

I can't beleive it's October!?! This year is just flying by (and I hear it only gets worse as you get older...). I haven't posted much recently because we have been so busy with the house and working. Last weekend we made a long-overdue trip to see Clint's family in the Houston area.  We had a great time and managed to only take about 200 pictures.  I will post some of those, along with a lengthy update about Max, probably after I get back from Chicago on the 17th.  I have so much I want to share about my almost-6th-Month-Old, it's really hard not to do it Right This Instant, but if I don't start packing the house, we will never get moved and that will be a really bad (and expensive) thing.  Until then I will leave you to contemplate the fact that there are only 81 shopping days left until Christmas...


On Being A Mother

A friend sent this to me, and I thought it was worth sharing...

We are sitting at lunch when my daughter casually mentions that she and her husband are thinking of "starting a family". "We're taking a survey," she says, half-joking. "Do you think I should have a baby?"

"It will change your life," I say, carefully keeping my tone neutral.

"I know," she says, "no more sleeping in on weekends, no more spontaneous vacations...."

But that is not what I meant at all. I look at my daughter, trying to decide what to tell her. I want her to know what she will never learn in childbirth classes. I want to tell her that the physical wounds of child bearing will heal, but that becoming a mother will leave her with an emotional wound so raw that she will forever be vulnerable.

I consider warning her that she will never again read a newspaper without asking "What if that had been MY child?" That every plane crash, every house fire will haunt her. That when she sees pictures of starving children, she will wonder if anything could be worse than watching your child die. I look at her carefully manicured nails and stylish suit and think that no matter how sophisticated she is, becoming a mother will reduce her to the primitive level of a bear protecting her cub. That an urgent call of "Mom!" will cause her to drop a souffle or her best crystal without a moment's hesitation.

I feel I should warn her that no matter how many years she has invested in her career, she will be professionally derailed by motherhood. She might arrange for childcare, but one day she will be going into an important business meeting and she will think of her baby's sweet smell. She will have to use every ounce of her discipline to keep from running home, just to make sure her baby is alright.

I want my daughter to know that everyday decisions will no longer be routine. That a five year old boy's desire to go to the men's room rather than the women's at McDonald's will become a major dilemma. That right there, in the midst of clattering trays and screaming children, issues of independence and gender identity will be weighed against the prospect that a child molester may be lurking in that restroom. However decisive she may be at the office, she will second-guess herself constantly as a mother.

Looking at my attractive daughter, I want to assure her that eventually she will shed the pounds of pregnancy, but she will never feel the same about herself. That her life, now so important, will be of less value to her once she has a child. That she would give it up in a moment to save her offspring, but will also begin to hope for more years - not to accomplish her own dreams, but to watch her child accomplish theirs.

I want her to know that a caesarean scar or shiny stretch marks will become badges of honor. My daughter's relationship with her husband will change, but not in the way she thinks. I wish she could understand how much more you can love a man who is careful to powder the baby or who never hesitates to play with his child. I think she should know that she will fall in love with him again for reasons she would now find very unromantic.

I wish my daughter could sense the bond she will feel with women throughout history who have tried to stop war, prejudice and drunk driving. I hope she will understand why I can think rationally about most issues, but become temporarily insane when I discuss the threat of nuclear war to my children's future.

I want to describe to my daughter the exhilaration of seeing your child learn to ride a bike. I want to capture for her the belly laugh of a baby who is touching the soft fur of a dog or a cat for the first time. I want her to taste the joy that is so real, it actually hurts.

My daughter's quizzical look makes me realize that tears have formed in my eyes. "You'll never regret it," I finally say. Then I reach across the table, squeeze my daughter's hand and offer a silent prayer for her, and for me, and for all of the mere mortal women who stumble their way into this most wonderful of callings.

This blessed gift from God . . .that of being a Mother.


Too Close

Max has been slowly, but surely, working on crawling. He's gotten to where he can get his knees up underneath him, and he can kinda scooch short distances. He turns around a lot, and is very determined to get somewhere. Anywhere. But most of the time, he's still on his elbows, or in a face plant. Just recently has he been starting to get the idea that he's got to get up on his hands.

But then, there was tonight. After the nightly diaper change and pajama wrangle (it is difficult to clothe someone intent on constantly rolling and wiggling), he got up on his hands and knees...and then began to ROCK. Back and forth. Like babies do right before they crawl. He only rocked about 3 times before he fell, but it was pretty cool.


New Friends

Max has a couple of new friends (and several more on the way)!

Miss Ada Love Myrick was born on Aug. 16th (yeah, we're a little behind) at 2:33 AM. She was 7 lbs, 14 oz and 21 in. long.

Isn't she darling? We haven't met her, yet, but we can't wait!!!

And, more recently, Chris and Jenny had their second little girl, Soren Litten Margrave. Soren was born September 5th at 12:02 AM. She weighed in at 6 lbs, 10 oz and was 18.5 in long.

Another pretty girl joins the Margrave clan!

I can't wait to meet these lovelies and hold an infant-sized baby, since Max was never this small!

We're still waiting on at least 5 more new friends from all parts of our lives, and one cousin!!! It's a baby bonanza...


His Father's Son

In the last blog I mentioned that Max is into everything that he can get his little hands on, especially as he becomes ever so slightly more mobile. I know this may take some of you by surprise, but he gets this from his father. (I swear, I was an angel child...)

I give you Exhibit A:

This is Clint, circa 1984, in his walker which he has tipped over while pulling on the vacuum cleaner.

And here, Exhibits B and C:

Last night, Max decide that the jumper alone just wasn't doing it for him. He wanted to play with the jumper AND the playmat. I'm thinking this wasn't quite what he was going for:


Long Weekend

I have Max all to myself for 3 whole days! Clint will be around but working (both at work and on the house), so I'll have him more-or-less to myself. I'm very excited. This morning, we went to the Sunset Valley Farmer's Market. I fell in love with farmer's markets on a trip to New York one spring, and we are very lucky to have one of the best in the country right here in our own backyard (though, it will never touch Union Square). Max, in perfect form, slept almost the entire time. And I, in typical fashion, brought the camera but forgot to take any pictures. I can't wait until he is old enough to share the excitement and wonder of the farmer's market, and the joys of growing food. Regardless of whether he shares my interest in sustainable, local agriculture, or my excitement in watching life spring from the ground, he will know that food does not come from 'the grocery store.'

The rest of our long weekend will likely be much less exciting. I need to go to the grocery store, do copious amounts of laundry, and start packing. And, of course, enjoy Max. He is now into everything. Well, as much as he can be without yet being mobile, so anything that comes in his direction. He now pushes, pulls and reaches for things he wants or doesn't like, including his Dad and I, and grabs anything he can get his little hands around (the envelope a piece of mail came in the other day that I was holding). He loves glasses, hair, beards, and faces. He has figured out how to pickup large objects with both hands. And, of course, everything goes straight into the mouth. Or gets licked. He has figured out how to lick things now, and gets you when you least expect it. He has also learned how to pull his pacifier out of his mouth (beyond just knocking it out, which he would do before) and is trying to figure out how to put it back in. Max loves 'eskimo kisses.' He gets this huge smile on his face, and then usually tries to eat my nose or steal my glasses.

And then, there are the latest 'steps' on his way to crawling. I don't think that I ever thought about the process of crawling before I had a child. Every new movement is one step closer. Now Max can get his little behind up, and almost get up on his knees, but his upper body is still fairly weak-he usually winds up with his butt in the air in a face-plant. But he never stays in the same spot I put him down, anymore.

I call this shot 'Mmmm....Butterfly.'


New Blog Up!

We closed on the house Friday. Our new blog is here (link is also to the right under 'our other pages'). Go check it out & vote in the poll.


Are You Ready For Some Football?

Max is! So, as some of you may already know, I am an Aggie. Except for that minor 'blip' in my record where I spent 4 years at that 'other' school, I was raised an Aggie. My Dad was in the Corps of Cadets. I think my first words were 'Gig 'Em.' Ok, they weren't. But it would have been cool. Anywho...This is a fact that some of our friends can't stand. They have to go and do ugly, ugly things, like buying Max this:

But luckily, Larry is a fair guy, and he also bought Max this:

Much, much better, Unlce Larry. You can see on Max's face how excited he was that we were having a fashion show today. He also seems to have his handsigns mixed up. We're going to have to remedy that problem. Much thanks to Grandma, who bought us the 'Teasips Chap My Hide' diaper cover. See Mom, told you he'd wear it...


My Baby is Sick :(

Not still but again. This time with a stomach bug that is apparently going around in his class. Talk about inoculation...Poor guy. But I did find out that it is true, what they say about sick kids; it's different when they're your own. It's not any less gross, but the ickiness is overshadowed by concern, empathy, and helplessness.


The Most Amazing Thing...

Isn't he? I mean, come on.

Part of this blog is my search for words to describe how much I love this little guy. So far, they just don't exist. But I'll keep trying.

It's been a big week. The top two pictures are from last Tuesday when Max tried cereal for the first time. You might not be able to see the goo all over his face, but it's there. Despite the big grin, the jury is still out. We haven't tried again, since Max has had an ear infection, and is Not in the Mood-to do much of anything, let alone try new things. Though, he's been better today.

And....(drumroll please)...we're buying a house! It needs a good bit of (mostly) cosmetic work, and we are probably crazy, but also very excited. We weren't *really* looking for a house...I emphasize really because Clint is always looking for houses (or, rather, investments)-even if just for fun. This time he happened to find one we could kinda afford at a time when it's almost feasible for us to move. We should close sometime this week (much thanks to Mimi, Judy for help with the down payment!!). You, my dear readers, should probably question our ability to raise a child in light of such Obvious insanity. You'll see what I mean when Clint creates a blog about the house. You can check back on the right side of this blog-I will post the link to the blog for Casa de Jurek as soon as it exists.

But really, the most amazing thing is how blessed we are. We have a beautiful, happy, & healthy child, good jobs, an incredible community of friends and family (who have always been there, despite whether we always count them in our blessings), and now, a house.


What? I can't hear you.

Max has an ear infection AND an eye infection. Therefore, I am unexpectedly home on a Friday afternoon. 2 weeks in daycare and he's already sick. Max is definitely in a cranky I'm-tired-but-I-don't-want-to-sleep mood, but we're hanging in there. Unfortunately, I think this means we will be missing most of Mosaic's (our church) Grand Opening festivities this weekend. :( But, Max did finally make it to the doctor. And we discovered that our little drool monster weighs in at 17 lbs, 4 oz. I knew there was a reason my arms hurt...

Slobbery kisses to all of you out there in Max's Fan Club.


The Big 4-(m)o.

This is kind of how the last week has gone...but it's been good. Max is 4 months old today. We are adjusting to Mom working and daycare. He is all smiles for his teachers who (claim to) argue over who gets to hold and feed him. And I am enjoying my job and being back in the working world. Max is just getting bigger and bigger. Yesterday we broke out the 6-9 mo. onesies! They are still a bit big, but many of his 3-6 mo.s are too small. Movin' on up! Max has also figured out how to roll over inside of his sleep positioner. Yes, that fancy magical mix of foam and cloth is no match for my little boy. I now have to listen when he wakes up in the middle of the night so that I can distinguish between the on-the-back whines and the on-the-belly whines. And more big news today...we have a girl-cousin on the way! Aunt MaRee and Uncle Adam found out today that they are expecting a little girl. We can't wait to meet you, Bella!

Alright, time for bed! More on a night when I have a chance to sit down in front of the computer before 10!


Big News

Next week, Max starts school! Mom got a new job, so starting Monday, Max will spend Monday-Wednesdays at The Elsass Academy. He will get to have 'Daddy Days' on Thursdays and Fridays, while Clint is off (and 'Mommy Days' on the weekends). We're all very excited (hence, the smile on Max's face), but the next few weeks are going to be a big transition. Bear with me if there aren't many posts for while...I'll try to keep up!


Go ahead and Jump

Max is having the best time with his new abilities & toys. We recently decided to get out the 'Jumpster,' probably more commonly known as a 'Johnny Jump-Up.' While he's technically not supposed to be able to use it yet, he can. And he loves it.

I mean, just look at this smile:

And, as promised, here is a picture of Max grabbing his toes:

This was taken before he could grab both sides at once, which I think is much cuter (and more impressive).

He's also learning how to play 'Peek-a-Boo' with a rag/burp cloth. He usually has one of these in his hands, because he likes to suck/chew on them (or pretty much any cloth he can get into his mouth-his shirt, your shirt, a collar, blanket, etc.). So, I started holding one up in front of his face to play p-a-b, at which he giggles his little head off. Then, I noticed last night, that he was doing the same thing to Clint-repeatedly pulling the cloth up over his face and then dropping it. I don't know if he really knew what he was doing, or just mimicking me from earlier, but it was fun! Of course, as soon as the camera came out, he was done.


New Tricks & Fun in Mason

This was supposed to be 2 individual posts, started on 7/21, but the first one never got finished, so it'll probably end up rather long. I know Max's adoring fans won't mind...

Max has a few new tricks since the last post. He now does what Clint calls 'blowing bubbles.' I guess it's kind of like what some people call blowing raspberries-a wet, spitty 'razzing' noise he makes with his lips & tongue. He loves to do this and now does it more than babbling. He's almost always sporting a wet spot on the front of his shirt from it. Clint calls it 'baby slime.'

Max has also discovered his built-in pacifier, a.k.a. The Thumb. He will sometimes opt for all fingers in the mouth, but more often than not, now, he is just sucking on his thumb. Although, he hasn't figured out what to do with his other fingers yet, and they usually wind up poking him in the eye. He doesn't seem to mind.

Also, he has started to grab his foot & big toe. He will sit and hold his left big toe (or whatever part of his foot he can manage to grab) in his left hand. And he does it, or tries to, all the time- while riding in his carseat, while eating, while lying in his cradle, while I'm trying to change his diaper...I guess it's just a matter of time before the foot winds up in the mouth, too. Update: He can now grab both feet at once. This is really cute. I'll have to get a picture.

Finally, Max has started grabbing & holding many other things. He has some little plastic linking rings that he can hold onto and likes to try to get into his mouth while on his belly. He also loves burp cloths, blankets, and any type of fabric that he can manage to get into his mouth. And, he has become a master at glasses-snatching, to our dismay.

And now, for the good stuff. Some pictures of our recent visit to see Grandma & Grandpa in Mason:

some pics after our hike down to this:

The creek that runs behind my parents' property.

'Aunt Brenda,' my folks' neighbor & good friend, and Shadow, one of the new babies.

Cutie boy, playing on his blanket outside.


A Budding Personality

I never had any idea, before cracking open 'What To Expect The First Year,' that babies had so many developmental milestones. It's no wonder kids crack under the pressure to succeed. But that's a topic for an entirely different blog...

Max has already surpassed every developmental milestone that he 'should,' 'will probably,' 'may possibly,' and 'may even' accomplish by the time he reaches 4 months old. Thus, I have to say he's pretty amazing. Of course, one might argue that I am slightly biased. Ever the Proud Papa, Clint has already declared that Max will be crawling next week. I certainly hope he's wrong.

All that being said, the most incredible part of motherhood is watching Max develop into his own individual. He is starting to express his very own personality, complete with likes and dislikes. For instance, Max likes:
  • rolling over: He will not stay on his back when placed on the floor, now. He's so proud of himself! I've had to impose a '30 minute' rule between eating & playing...
  • his Dad: Max gets a huge grin on his face every time he sees Clint-it's adorable!
  • 'standing': We have to support him for balance, but that's about it-he can hold almost all of his own weight on his legs.
  • 'talking': Max will babel on and on to any engaged audience.
  • grandparents: But then, who doesn't?
  • eating: obviously
  • smiling: Mas has learned not only how to smile, which he practices often, but that when he initiates smiling, he will get a smile (and usually a coo & a cuddle) back.
  • kicking: And, particularly, 'dropping his feet' in his cradle-a little trick he taught himself for entertainment while in, what I think he considers, solitary. He raises both legs up and then drops them, either together or separately, crashing down onto the mattress. He doesn't fuss in his cradle at night (unless he's hungry), but does this little trick to entertain himself until he falls back to sleep. Clint thinks it's brilliant; I might agree when Max gets his own room.
Max dislikes:
  • The '30 Minute Rule': He likes to move, especially when that movement is all on his own.
  • sleeping: Naps have become a process, as he has started fighting hard. I hope he gets over this in the same manner that Eli did (who now tells Darby when he wants to go 'nai nai.' Everyone together now, 'Awww....').
  • The car seat: Or, rather, being strapped into the car seat, esp. if it is not moving. He's usually OK once he is being carried or driven, unless he starts falling asleep (see above).
  • Not being the center of attention: So, babies tend to be a little narcissistic, and Max seems to particularly hone in on any time Mom is doing something that doesn't directly involve him (like eating...).
Things he is still unsure about:
  • dogs & cats: He has had many a curious nose in his car seat (belonging to the furry children of our family & friends), but the jury is still out as to whether wet noses & tongues are fun.
  • other babies/kids: Max occasionally likes the baby in the mirror, but hasn't shown much interest in any actual little people, yet.
It has been so much fun to watch Max develop and learn to express these interests; much more so than charting whether or not he can 'hold his head up 90 degrees' or 'focus on an object the size of a raisin.' I can't wait to teach him more about the exciting & beautiful things in this world. I love to think about his future and what he might be like as a child, adolescent, and teen. And I am trying not to get too attached to dreams about what he might show interest in someday, just in case he likes soccer & David Beckham more than baseball & Brad Ausmus (heresy). I will love him no matter what, but no son of mine...


Happy (early) Birthday!

Max is three months old tomorrow. I took some pictures of him, yesterday, and thought this one turned out particularly well. I think he almost looks like a toddler with those shoes on!


All Boy

WARNING: The following post contains subject matter about bodily functions. If you are extremely squeemish, or just can't find the humor in a poop joke, turn back now and wait for the next post.

Max has peed on me. He's an automatic sprinkler, er, I mean boy. He spits up on me almost daily (it seems I never have the burp rag in quite the right spot). But this morning we reached the nadir of 'accidental' bodily functions. This morning, Max pooed on me. And I don't mean he pooed in his diaper and it leaked (that's happened on multiple occasions). I mean he Pooed ON ME (and himself, and the blanket, and the bed...). Mid diaper change. Straight from the source. Just like those pictures you see about 'the joys of having a boy.' I spared you photos (actually, I didn't even think about pics until just now...), but this one is indelibly burned into my memory. In slo-mo.

Ya'll, I have not had enough coffee for this one. And I know that, IN THEORY, he doesn't have the mental capacity yet to 'plan' or 'scheme.' He, SUPPOSEDLY, doesn't understand 'humor.' Whatever. I'm tellin'ya (read with a Tony Soprano voice), the boy thought it was funny.

Now, I'm going to go make pasta salad for our church picnic. Yes, I've washed my hands.


How We Roll

This is the position you are most likely to find Max in now. That's because he learned how to roll over last night! Well. actually, he's been working on it all week, but last night, around 9:30 (he's a night owl...), he finally got it down. At first, he had his arm pinned underneath himself, but he second time around, he figured out how to free his arm, and propped himself up. I got the second attempt on video, which I will have to wait to post, as YouTube is not cooperating with me... :(

Rolling has been all he has done today. Playmat schmaymat. And once he gets over on his belly, he starts kicking his legs like he's going somewhere. I fear that this is the beginning of the end for any semblance of free-time I once thought I had...


Bored Dad + Long Haired Baby + Scissors = Trouble

Poor Max got his first haircut Sunday night. I came home to Clint with a pair of scissors in one hand, and my baby in the other. It's not pretty. The pictures don't do it justice, but you will laugh with pity for the poor boy when you see him in person. At least he doesn't have to go to school...

Max's opinion of his new 'do.

A little uneven in the back.

The flash reflecting off his bald spot on top...


To All The Dads...

Happy Father's Day!


You know you're a Mom when...

your husband calls and the term of endearment that pops out of your mouth is "Booger."


Weekend Trip to the Country

Max and I went to visit my parents in Mason this weekend for their open house. Max took a cat nap with his 'uncle' Willy on Saturday.

He also met his Great-Grandpa (my Grandpa Larry). If Max turns out to have red hair, we'll know the culprit!

And this afternoon, just before we left, Max smiled and giggled (for the first time!) for his Grandpa as I was loading up the car. I heard him laugh as I came back in, and tried to get it on video for his dad (and, of course, his blog!).


The Dread Pirate Max

Among Clint's favorite things are pirates, so of course, he has decided that Max is a pirate.

Max wearing his friend, Ellaiden's hat at Sam & Kim's baby shower. Clint informed me that this picture is going on his desktop on the computer at work. (Image thanks to Jenny Margrave!)

Max in the Jolly Roger onesie I made him. A pirate's life for me!

Mommy & Max

Ingrid pointed out that there aren't any pictures of Max & me on the blog. This is for 2 reasons...one is that I am not very photogenic and, therefore, avoid posting pictures of myself when I have the choice, and (2), I am usually the one behind the camera. But I suppose I should post some pictures of the two of us...
Max & me in the hospital, just before we left. He is 3 days old.

After Max's first bath

About 2 weeks ago, before we set out for Max's first hike.


Coulda Been a Contenda

It's been a while since I've updated and that's because Max and I have been busy having a lot of fun playing. His little personality is really starting to come out. He smiles at his Dad and I all the time (though we have not been successful at capturing it on film-darn shutter speeds), along with numerous other expressions that are a constant amusement for Clint and me.

Max doesn't fail to let us know when he doesn't like something, but for the most part he is fairly laid back. He has also been doing quite a bit of 'talking' and now spends a lot of time playing on his playmat, swatting at and chatting with the little toys.



We have some really great pictures from the last few weeks of Max with some of his grandparents and great-grandparents. This is not all of his grandparents, as I don't always remember to bring the camera (yet). There is still a lot of family he hasn't met, too!

Max and his Great-Grandma Jeanne (Alex's Grandma).

Max and his Grandpa (Alex's Dad).

Max and his Granddaddy (Clint's Grandpa) and his Pop (Clint's Step-father). I like this one, with three of the four generations...although we couldn't get the Third generation out of bed.