
Go ahead and Jump

Max is having the best time with his new abilities & toys. We recently decided to get out the 'Jumpster,' probably more commonly known as a 'Johnny Jump-Up.' While he's technically not supposed to be able to use it yet, he can. And he loves it.

I mean, just look at this smile:

And, as promised, here is a picture of Max grabbing his toes:

This was taken before he could grab both sides at once, which I think is much cuter (and more impressive).

He's also learning how to play 'Peek-a-Boo' with a rag/burp cloth. He usually has one of these in his hands, because he likes to suck/chew on them (or pretty much any cloth he can get into his mouth-his shirt, your shirt, a collar, blanket, etc.). So, I started holding one up in front of his face to play p-a-b, at which he giggles his little head off. Then, I noticed last night, that he was doing the same thing to Clint-repeatedly pulling the cloth up over his face and then dropping it. I don't know if he really knew what he was doing, or just mimicking me from earlier, but it was fun! Of course, as soon as the camera came out, he was done.


New Tricks & Fun in Mason

This was supposed to be 2 individual posts, started on 7/21, but the first one never got finished, so it'll probably end up rather long. I know Max's adoring fans won't mind...

Max has a few new tricks since the last post. He now does what Clint calls 'blowing bubbles.' I guess it's kind of like what some people call blowing raspberries-a wet, spitty 'razzing' noise he makes with his lips & tongue. He loves to do this and now does it more than babbling. He's almost always sporting a wet spot on the front of his shirt from it. Clint calls it 'baby slime.'

Max has also discovered his built-in pacifier, a.k.a. The Thumb. He will sometimes opt for all fingers in the mouth, but more often than not, now, he is just sucking on his thumb. Although, he hasn't figured out what to do with his other fingers yet, and they usually wind up poking him in the eye. He doesn't seem to mind.

Also, he has started to grab his foot & big toe. He will sit and hold his left big toe (or whatever part of his foot he can manage to grab) in his left hand. And he does it, or tries to, all the time- while riding in his carseat, while eating, while lying in his cradle, while I'm trying to change his diaper...I guess it's just a matter of time before the foot winds up in the mouth, too. Update: He can now grab both feet at once. This is really cute. I'll have to get a picture.

Finally, Max has started grabbing & holding many other things. He has some little plastic linking rings that he can hold onto and likes to try to get into his mouth while on his belly. He also loves burp cloths, blankets, and any type of fabric that he can manage to get into his mouth. And, he has become a master at glasses-snatching, to our dismay.

And now, for the good stuff. Some pictures of our recent visit to see Grandma & Grandpa in Mason:

some pics after our hike down to this:

The creek that runs behind my parents' property.

'Aunt Brenda,' my folks' neighbor & good friend, and Shadow, one of the new babies.

Cutie boy, playing on his blanket outside.


A Budding Personality

I never had any idea, before cracking open 'What To Expect The First Year,' that babies had so many developmental milestones. It's no wonder kids crack under the pressure to succeed. But that's a topic for an entirely different blog...

Max has already surpassed every developmental milestone that he 'should,' 'will probably,' 'may possibly,' and 'may even' accomplish by the time he reaches 4 months old. Thus, I have to say he's pretty amazing. Of course, one might argue that I am slightly biased. Ever the Proud Papa, Clint has already declared that Max will be crawling next week. I certainly hope he's wrong.

All that being said, the most incredible part of motherhood is watching Max develop into his own individual. He is starting to express his very own personality, complete with likes and dislikes. For instance, Max likes:
  • rolling over: He will not stay on his back when placed on the floor, now. He's so proud of himself! I've had to impose a '30 minute' rule between eating & playing...
  • his Dad: Max gets a huge grin on his face every time he sees Clint-it's adorable!
  • 'standing': We have to support him for balance, but that's about it-he can hold almost all of his own weight on his legs.
  • 'talking': Max will babel on and on to any engaged audience.
  • grandparents: But then, who doesn't?
  • eating: obviously
  • smiling: Mas has learned not only how to smile, which he practices often, but that when he initiates smiling, he will get a smile (and usually a coo & a cuddle) back.
  • kicking: And, particularly, 'dropping his feet' in his cradle-a little trick he taught himself for entertainment while in, what I think he considers, solitary. He raises both legs up and then drops them, either together or separately, crashing down onto the mattress. He doesn't fuss in his cradle at night (unless he's hungry), but does this little trick to entertain himself until he falls back to sleep. Clint thinks it's brilliant; I might agree when Max gets his own room.
Max dislikes:
  • The '30 Minute Rule': He likes to move, especially when that movement is all on his own.
  • sleeping: Naps have become a process, as he has started fighting hard. I hope he gets over this in the same manner that Eli did (who now tells Darby when he wants to go 'nai nai.' Everyone together now, 'Awww....').
  • The car seat: Or, rather, being strapped into the car seat, esp. if it is not moving. He's usually OK once he is being carried or driven, unless he starts falling asleep (see above).
  • Not being the center of attention: So, babies tend to be a little narcissistic, and Max seems to particularly hone in on any time Mom is doing something that doesn't directly involve him (like eating...).
Things he is still unsure about:
  • dogs & cats: He has had many a curious nose in his car seat (belonging to the furry children of our family & friends), but the jury is still out as to whether wet noses & tongues are fun.
  • other babies/kids: Max occasionally likes the baby in the mirror, but hasn't shown much interest in any actual little people, yet.
It has been so much fun to watch Max develop and learn to express these interests; much more so than charting whether or not he can 'hold his head up 90 degrees' or 'focus on an object the size of a raisin.' I can't wait to teach him more about the exciting & beautiful things in this world. I love to think about his future and what he might be like as a child, adolescent, and teen. And I am trying not to get too attached to dreams about what he might show interest in someday, just in case he likes soccer & David Beckham more than baseball & Brad Ausmus (heresy). I will love him no matter what, but no son of mine...


Happy (early) Birthday!

Max is three months old tomorrow. I took some pictures of him, yesterday, and thought this one turned out particularly well. I think he almost looks like a toddler with those shoes on!


All Boy

WARNING: The following post contains subject matter about bodily functions. If you are extremely squeemish, or just can't find the humor in a poop joke, turn back now and wait for the next post.

Max has peed on me. He's an automatic sprinkler, er, I mean boy. He spits up on me almost daily (it seems I never have the burp rag in quite the right spot). But this morning we reached the nadir of 'accidental' bodily functions. This morning, Max pooed on me. And I don't mean he pooed in his diaper and it leaked (that's happened on multiple occasions). I mean he Pooed ON ME (and himself, and the blanket, and the bed...). Mid diaper change. Straight from the source. Just like those pictures you see about 'the joys of having a boy.' I spared you photos (actually, I didn't even think about pics until just now...), but this one is indelibly burned into my memory. In slo-mo.

Ya'll, I have not had enough coffee for this one. And I know that, IN THEORY, he doesn't have the mental capacity yet to 'plan' or 'scheme.' He, SUPPOSEDLY, doesn't understand 'humor.' Whatever. I'm tellin'ya (read with a Tony Soprano voice), the boy thought it was funny.

Now, I'm going to go make pasta salad for our church picnic. Yes, I've washed my hands.


How We Roll

This is the position you are most likely to find Max in now. That's because he learned how to roll over last night! Well. actually, he's been working on it all week, but last night, around 9:30 (he's a night owl...), he finally got it down. At first, he had his arm pinned underneath himself, but he second time around, he figured out how to free his arm, and propped himself up. I got the second attempt on video, which I will have to wait to post, as YouTube is not cooperating with me... :(

Rolling has been all he has done today. Playmat schmaymat. And once he gets over on his belly, he starts kicking his legs like he's going somewhere. I fear that this is the beginning of the end for any semblance of free-time I once thought I had...