
Bang! Bang!

Bang! Crash! Smack! These are the sounds you will hear emanating from Max's play...By far, the most important attribute of any toy right now is it's ability to bang...How does this toy bang? is the first question I can see run through his head when handed any new object. Is it loud? Can I bang it on the ground? With my hand? With another toy? This boy loves to make noise.

We also discovered this weekend food that Max will not eat. This is the first time that Max has flat-out refused anything. The first was a sweet pepper. Max doesn't usually eat any food raw, and so the texture might have been the issue, here. But he got such a reaction to the funny face he made, he's continued making it...a scrunched nose and squinty eyes. Max also does not like raw broccoli (I think because it's a little spicy) or cottage cheese. Luckily, he loves cooked broccoli, and almost everything else!

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