
Shhh....They're Sleeping

My boys are taking a pre-church nap, and so I will take this moment to post some of those pictures I've been talking about...

Clint & Max at the good ol' Kerbey. Max can use high chairs now! Yay!

Post bath-time fun with the mirror. (please ignore the toothpaste)

And fun with tupperware!


Happy Thanksgiving

Alright, I know it's been over a month since anything has been posted here...Once again, I'm sorry. And I have tons of adorable pictures and videos that I am dying to post-and maybe that will happen sometime in the next 3 days that I don't have to be at work. But not today.

Despite our best efforts to the contrary (and the gloomy, chilly weather) the warm fuzzies of the holiday have gotten to us, and we are very Thankful today. And we have much to be thankful for, on Max's first Thanksgiving. We are thankful for the blessings of our friends and family who have seen us through the wild ups and downs of the last two years. It's hard to believe that this time, 2 years ago, we were not even contemplating moving to Houston, yet; and that this time, last year, we were already back in Austin and I was 5 months pregnant with Max... We have many, many blessings in our lives, but we count you all as number 1.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving,
Alex, Clint & Max