I'll Hold You
This morning, I was trying to get Max out the door-on time, for once-when he stopped, turned around, and wrapped his little arms around both of my legs. When it's cold outside, he doesn't like to walk, he wants me to carry him. But this morning, as he was clutching at my legs, he looked up at me and said "I hold you?" What he was asking for was for me to hold him, but the sentiment was so sweet I couldn't resist, despite an armful of his lunch, my lunch, purse, and coffee.
Max's Sayings
I know I seem to say this every time I write, now, but Max has picked it up another notch in the speaking department. Here are a few little stories about what Max is saying right now:
I'll Get You
We went to my parents' house for Christmas, and Max got to spend lots of time wandering around with Grandma, Grandpa, Mama, and Papa outside. At one point, Max took off running and so Grandma started chasing him, saying "I'll get you!" Well, Max started repeating it, of course, as he was running. And now, he'll start running away and say "I'll get you!"
Concern for Papa
When Papa is walking away, or doing something that Max doesn't understand he'll look at me with his little brow furrowed and ask "Papa going?" or "Papa doing?"
Papa's Cup
We are very concerned these days with what belongs to who. Max saw a picture of Miller High Life the other day and points to it saying "Papa's cup." Ahem.
Yay! Applesauce!
Max loves applesauce. If you ask him what he wants to eat, it's guaranteed to be on the short list. As we were walking into Target on Saturday afternoon, somehow the subject of applesauce came up, and Max started saying very loudly "Yay! Applesauce!" over and over. Clint and I were almost dying laughing.
Ashey, Ashey
Apparently, Max has learned Ring Around the Rosie at school. Yesterday, out of nowhere, he started singing "Ashey, ashey, all Fall DOWN!" in the car. Extra loud emphasis on the 'all fall down.' Other favorite songs include "ABCD," (the alphabet song) "Twinkle, Twinkle," (...little star) and "Elmo," (Elmo's Song, of course).
I'll Get You
We went to my parents' house for Christmas, and Max got to spend lots of time wandering around with Grandma, Grandpa, Mama, and Papa outside. At one point, Max took off running and so Grandma started chasing him, saying "I'll get you!" Well, Max started repeating it, of course, as he was running. And now, he'll start running away and say "I'll get you!"
Concern for Papa
When Papa is walking away, or doing something that Max doesn't understand he'll look at me with his little brow furrowed and ask "Papa going?" or "Papa doing?"
Papa's Cup
We are very concerned these days with what belongs to who. Max saw a picture of Miller High Life the other day and points to it saying "Papa's cup." Ahem.
Yay! Applesauce!
Max loves applesauce. If you ask him what he wants to eat, it's guaranteed to be on the short list. As we were walking into Target on Saturday afternoon, somehow the subject of applesauce came up, and Max started saying very loudly "Yay! Applesauce!" over and over. Clint and I were almost dying laughing.
Ashey, Ashey
Apparently, Max has learned Ring Around the Rosie at school. Yesterday, out of nowhere, he started singing "Ashey, ashey, all Fall DOWN!" in the car. Extra loud emphasis on the 'all fall down.' Other favorite songs include "ABCD," (the alphabet song) "Twinkle, Twinkle," (...little star) and "Elmo," (Elmo's Song, of course).
An Update, Finally
Where to start? We began moving in right after Thansgiving, and it's been hectic. Max now has a big boy bed, and he is just loving the freedom to get up and roam after bedtime. It has really turned both bedtime and naptime into a battle. I'll take any advice anyone has on keeping a kid in their bed, because bedtime has now melted down into a sometimes 2-hour process that is not-so-slowly chipping away at my sanity. Last night, after he got out of bed for about the 5th time, I asked him if he wanted to sit in the corner, the supposed worse alternative to staying in bed, and he said 'yeah!' So much for that idea...
Max's vocabulary continues to grow, and he is talking all the time. He is the youngest kid in his class, now, and most of the other kids speak well and often. He is really picking up their speech, which is mostly great. Except when he comes home and starts telling me to 'go away,' his new favorite phrase. One morning, he was laying in bed with us, and he wormed his way into my spot in MY PILLOW and then told me to go away... But he is also saying 'I love you,' and 'I'm sorry,' and so much more. Recently, with the colder weather, I have heard 'it's cold outside!' frequently. And he is repeating just about everything, now, which is bad news for Papa, to whom I've bestowed the honor of speaking to Max's teacher the day we get the call about what Max said at school today!
Alright, on to pictures, now that we have found the cable to the camera AND recharged the battery!
Merry Christmas to you all!
Back in a bit
Hello all! We've been away for Thanksgiving and are now in the process of moving. Currently, our computer is not even at the new place, so I don't know when I'll update again (borrowing one, now). But we'll have some cute pictures from Thanksgiving with the Claytons (including plenty of trouble with cousin Bella), and more of Max's antics, soon!
Trying to Keep Up
(editor's note: I began writing this post while sick at home on Wednesday, until my keyboard batteries died. Just now finishing on Friday)
Life is moving at lightening speed over here, and most of the time I just feel like I am trying to keep up. I am home sick, today, so I thought I'd take a chance to write a bit (since I can't seem to sleep anymore, right now). Max was home sick with Papa on Monday, and me, yesterday. I was 'Grouchy Mama' because I didn't feel good and, despite his fever, he was wired & inspired (as Grandpa would say). Needless to say, he went to school today.
Max is talking up a storm, starting to string words into sentences and continuing to mimic Clint and I and pull new words (seemingly) out of thin air. With the frequency that I hear the cry "hun-ny" (hungry) around here, you'd think the kid was starving to death, though one look at him will quickly ease your fears. He is still obsessed with our cell phones, even telling me over the weekend "I WANT PHONE" when I would not give him mine. It is very cute to watch him take the phone and say "Hel-lo. Hello, Papa." Sometimes I even let him call Papa to hear him say it! He knows Elmo and constantly wants to watch Elmo's Song on Youtube. He even sings along, and the cuteness of it makes the 15th time almost bearable.
Max still loves books and reading. He gets new books all the time from his grandparents. A few favorites, right now, include Go, DoG, Go! (which he 'reads' as Go Max!), Ten Friendly Fish (a counting book Mimzy gave him), and some hide-and-seek animal books that he knows almost all the animals in. It is still just mind-boggling to watch his face as I read to him and see him just get it. Words and ideas click and it is indescribable to watch them take hold.
Being a mom only gets more and more fun, and I am so honored that this kid is mine. Even on the worst of days, or in the most awful of moods, he can put a smile on my face. Whether it's the little things, like the smell of his head, or bigger ones, like when he comes to me for comfort, sometimes my heart swells so much I truly think it might burst mid-beat. In the middle of stressful times, he reminds me what it's all about.
Life is moving at lightening speed over here, and most of the time I just feel like I am trying to keep up. I am home sick, today, so I thought I'd take a chance to write a bit (since I can't seem to sleep anymore, right now). Max was home sick with Papa on Monday, and me, yesterday. I was 'Grouchy Mama' because I didn't feel good and, despite his fever, he was wired & inspired (as Grandpa would say). Needless to say, he went to school today.
Max is talking up a storm, starting to string words into sentences and continuing to mimic Clint and I and pull new words (seemingly) out of thin air. With the frequency that I hear the cry "hun-ny" (hungry) around here, you'd think the kid was starving to death, though one look at him will quickly ease your fears. He is still obsessed with our cell phones, even telling me over the weekend "I WANT PHONE" when I would not give him mine. It is very cute to watch him take the phone and say "Hel-lo. Hello, Papa." Sometimes I even let him call Papa to hear him say it! He knows Elmo and constantly wants to watch Elmo's Song on Youtube. He even sings along, and the cuteness of it makes the 15th time almost bearable.
Max still loves books and reading. He gets new books all the time from his grandparents. A few favorites, right now, include Go, DoG, Go! (which he 'reads' as Go Max!), Ten Friendly Fish (a counting book Mimzy gave him), and some hide-and-seek animal books that he knows almost all the animals in. It is still just mind-boggling to watch his face as I read to him and see him just get it. Words and ideas click and it is indescribable to watch them take hold.
Being a mom only gets more and more fun, and I am so honored that this kid is mine. Even on the worst of days, or in the most awful of moods, he can put a smile on my face. Whether it's the little things, like the smell of his head, or bigger ones, like when he comes to me for comfort, sometimes my heart swells so much I truly think it might burst mid-beat. In the middle of stressful times, he reminds me what it's all about.
So, I just downloaded 107 pictures from almost 3 weeks ago, when we went to Mason, Halloween, and Max coloring at the house... We had a great time out in Mason, visiting Grandma and Grandpa. Max loved being outside in the country, and especially sitting on Grandpa's 'tractor' (it's really a riding lawnmower, but we won't tell Grandpa, ok?). One afternoon, Max spent half an hour sitting on the tractor, pushing every button, pulling every lever and desperately doing everything he could to make the tractor 'go, please.' Nothing worked, so when Grandpa walked out, Max took one look at him, stuck his hand out and said 'keys?' Then he and Papa went for a ride on the tractor.
Max loves to be outside. He 'climbed' this tree.
He spent lots of time right here.
Forget beer. This is what coozies are for.
For Halloween, Max was a bee. He was not very into Halloween. He still isn't really sure what it's all about, and I think he was a little disoriented by all his friends in costumes. His costume was also pretty warm, and it was a warm night. After walking to houses for about 30 minutes, he looked up and signed "all done." He'd had enough, and was ready to go home, so we did.
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
This morning, as I was dressing Max, I discovered something new about him (as I do regularly, he changes so fast!)... He pointed to his nose and said, well, "nose." Max knows his nose! He also knows where his eyes, mouth, ears, and hair are. Yet another thing he has learned at school. Clint and I regularly name these parts when we talk to him, but he doesn't usually repeat the names. It is so exciting to see him learning new things. I asked him, again, in the car on the way to school. I tried, again, at small group tonight, but he was distracted by the goings-on of the people around him (and Naomi and her toys).
Giving Up on The Wild Thing
We unintentionally did a lot of shopping for Max last weekend. We got him some more pants and a couple of sweaters for the upcoming winter, new shoes, and a Halloween costume.
I can't get over tiny little boy sweaters. Most of the time, the girls have the most adorable baby/toddler clothes, and walking through the 'girls' section of most stores makes me immediately want to have more (female!) babies. But sweaters for little boys? Really, I think they take the cake. They are *almost* worth moving somewhere cold over. Ok, I lied on that one. But, I did used to joke when I was pregnant with Max that you would always know my kid, because he'd be the one in the sweater, even in the middle of a Texas summer! We got Max one little argyle sweater that I love (of course, because I love anything argyle)! It's a tan color, with little buttons on one shoulder and a 3-diamond argyle pattern in the middle. The best part? The diamonds are appliques of classic patterns, like houndtooth! We also found him a delightfully 80's style blue & creme sweater.
Next, we got Max some new shoes because his were becoming tattered. I was hoping to find some that he couldn't remove, so I bought some that laced up. I foud out the very same day that he can, in fact, get them off. It's not quite as easy, though. The next day, I discovered he can untie them. They are also larger and wider, since Max takes after his father with his FAT FEET.
Finally, we got Max his Halloween costume. We originally wanted Max to go as Max from Where the Wild Things Are, but OMG do you know how hard it is to find plain, white, footed pajamas for an 18 month old? Yeah, close to impossible. So, Max is going to be a bee. Not so creative, but he does look adorable in the costume. And we had a lot of fun looking for a costume, running around the store and trying on hats of all kinds (look out, we're a crazy bunch!).
Pictures of Max in sweaters and bee costume, soon!
I can't get over tiny little boy sweaters. Most of the time, the girls have the most adorable baby/toddler clothes, and walking through the 'girls' section of most stores makes me immediately want to have more (female!) babies. But sweaters for little boys? Really, I think they take the cake. They are *almost* worth moving somewhere cold over. Ok, I lied on that one. But, I did used to joke when I was pregnant with Max that you would always know my kid, because he'd be the one in the sweater, even in the middle of a Texas summer! We got Max one little argyle sweater that I love (of course, because I love anything argyle)! It's a tan color, with little buttons on one shoulder and a 3-diamond argyle pattern in the middle. The best part? The diamonds are appliques of classic patterns, like houndtooth! We also found him a delightfully 80's style blue & creme sweater.
Next, we got Max some new shoes because his were becoming tattered. I was hoping to find some that he couldn't remove, so I bought some that laced up. I foud out the very same day that he can, in fact, get them off. It's not quite as easy, though. The next day, I discovered he can untie them. They are also larger and wider, since Max takes after his father with his FAT FEET.
Finally, we got Max his Halloween costume. We originally wanted Max to go as Max from Where the Wild Things Are, but OMG do you know how hard it is to find plain, white, footed pajamas for an 18 month old? Yeah, close to impossible. So, Max is going to be a bee. Not so creative, but he does look adorable in the costume. And we had a lot of fun looking for a costume, running around the store and trying on hats of all kinds (look out, we're a crazy bunch!).
Pictures of Max in sweaters and bee costume, soon!
18 months
Max is 18 months old today. A whole year and a half. Where the heck did that time go to? He continues to 'go!' all the time...he never stops. We were at a friend's house last night and he observed "I don't know how you guys do it..."
Max is also talking up a storm. We were in the car, this morning, on the way to school, when Max heard 'cash' on the radio, listening to NPR. He said 'cash, cash, cash' all the way to school. As far as I know, he's never even heard that word before! He also says 'stop' and last night he learned "NOooooo!" from Papa watching football. Papa thought it was funny, but I have a feeling he'll regret it soon enough.
Max is staunchly planted in toddler-hood. He is sometimes very sweet and sometimes willful and determined to get his way. He loves to give hugs, but also thinks he can get out of being in trouble by hugging (just a weeee but manipulative). He is sitting at his own table, now, to eat, but only for about 2 bites at a time. Then we have to chase him down to make him return to the table.
Max has become attached to Clint and I being with him, together. If Clint is not around, I hear "Papa, papa, papa?" But if Papa shows up and I try to leave, it's "Mama, Mama, Mama?!" He's still Papa's boy, though, constantly hugging, kissing, and asking about Papa. When Clint walks into a room, Max goes running for him, arms open.
As challenging as he is, Max is such fun and a joy. I look forward to the next 18 months, 18 years, and beyond, watching him continue to learn, grow, and love.
Trip to the 'Fe
Last weekend, we took the chance to go see all the family down in the Houston area. Max was very excited to see his grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncle, and cousin for the first time since July 4th weekend. Mom was a little worried before we left that he would not do well with his Cousin Bella, because Max tends to not understand he's bigger (and, therefore, other kids are smaller and younger), but he did great! He, of course, loved the attention from the family, and he was pretty good with Bella. He even gave her sweet hugs and kisses, completely unprompted! Bella loved watching Max move and play. We had a pretty uneventful, relaxing, and fun weekend, just hanging out with the family! We hope to do it again, soon. Here's a picture Aunt Ree got with her phone of Max hugging Bella at the grocery store:
Aren't they so sweet together? I can't wait to watch these two grow up together. I can already see the trouble they are going to be...My son in the lead, of course...
Mr. Personality
Max has been really funny this week. Despite his often challenging toddler will and mood swings, he has been generally happy, talkative, and just flat-out funny. Monday morning, we were getting ready for school and Max happened to follow me into the kitchen. He noticed himself in the reflection of the oven. He started talking to himself, and then he leaned in and kissed his own reflection! I started laughing so, being the ham that he is, he had to do it about 6 more times!
Also, on Monday, I dressed Max in an Elmo t-shirt. He has never before expressed an interest or preference in his clothing, but he apparently has learned about Elmo at school and LOVES him. He was so excited about his Elmo shirt, walking around and looking at the front of his shirt. He also happened to take a particular interest in the Elmo bib that Aunt Ree and Uncle Adam gave him at Christmas time. When we got home that evening, and tried to take the Elmo shirt off for bedtime, Max got very upset, repeatedly asking 'Elmo? Elmo?? Elmo!!??' in a progressively higher pitched tone bordering on hysteria. He slept in the Elmo shirt that night.
Finally, Max has been jumping in his crib as of late. It is so funny to see; he gets this huuuuge grin and start bouncing while holding on to the rail. It is his immediate reaction if you ask him if he's excited. I can't help but laugh every time I see him do it.
Also, on Monday, I dressed Max in an Elmo t-shirt. He has never before expressed an interest or preference in his clothing, but he apparently has learned about Elmo at school and LOVES him. He was so excited about his Elmo shirt, walking around and looking at the front of his shirt. He also happened to take a particular interest in the Elmo bib that Aunt Ree and Uncle Adam gave him at Christmas time. When we got home that evening, and tried to take the Elmo shirt off for bedtime, Max got very upset, repeatedly asking 'Elmo? Elmo?? Elmo!!??' in a progressively higher pitched tone bordering on hysteria. He slept in the Elmo shirt that night.
Finally, Max has been jumping in his crib as of late. It is so funny to see; he gets this huuuuge grin and start bouncing while holding on to the rail. It is his immediate reaction if you ask him if he's excited. I can't help but laugh every time I see him do it.
Crazy Boy
The last week has been rather crazy. Max and I were both sick all weekend last week, and we've been really busy this week. Max continues to amaze us with his learning and curiosity. He has reached that point in his speech development where he is repeating everything we say and consistently saying things that cause Clint and I to give each other the 'Where the heck did he learn that?' look. For instance, last night at dinner, Max was trying to climb into his chair at his little table, but got stuck. He looked up at me and said 'help me.' Um....ok, sure kid! He has also learned how to say his name in the last week, and it is so cute to hear him say it! Other things I've heard him say recently:
-fall down
-Papa do? (as in, What's Papa doing?)
Max has also learned how to take off his shoes and socks, a trick that drives his father crazy to no end (I pick my battles, and I prefer food throwing and manners). I can pretty much guarantee that within 2 minutes of putting him in his car seat, Max will have removed his right shoe. He knows how to 'kick' his shoe off, by stepping on the side of it with the other foot. At least he tells me once the shoe has been removed ("Shoe?!"), so we don't, say, accidentally leave it on the floor at the grocery store.
We are desperately trying to get Max to sit and eat at his little table, but it usually requires me sitting down with him in my lap. He doesn't want to sit; he wants to eat a little, and then play, cruising by the table to grab more food when his mouth is empty. It's a tough battle, but I try to remind myself that he is now saying please, after several weeks of battling over it.
Max really likes to brush his teeth. I think it's probably the strawberry flavored toothpaste, but-hey-whatever it takes! When he sees me brushing mine, he reaches for his little tooth brush and starts saying "Please, please..." over and over. Ok, if you insist, but can I rinse my mouth, first?
-fall down
-Papa do? (as in, What's Papa doing?)
Max has also learned how to take off his shoes and socks, a trick that drives his father crazy to no end (I pick my battles, and I prefer food throwing and manners). I can pretty much guarantee that within 2 minutes of putting him in his car seat, Max will have removed his right shoe. He knows how to 'kick' his shoe off, by stepping on the side of it with the other foot. At least he tells me once the shoe has been removed ("Shoe?!"), so we don't, say, accidentally leave it on the floor at the grocery store.
We are desperately trying to get Max to sit and eat at his little table, but it usually requires me sitting down with him in my lap. He doesn't want to sit; he wants to eat a little, and then play, cruising by the table to grab more food when his mouth is empty. It's a tough battle, but I try to remind myself that he is now saying please, after several weeks of battling over it.
Max really likes to brush his teeth. I think it's probably the strawberry flavored toothpaste, but-hey-whatever it takes! When he sees me brushing mine, he reaches for his little tooth brush and starts saying "Please, please..." over and over. Ok, if you insist, but can I rinse my mouth, first?
Poor, Neglected Blog
Ack! It's been a very long time since I've posted. I know this, but in my defense, it's been a very busy couple of weeks. This last weekend Max's Aunt Fannie and Uncle Boogie (otherwise known as our wonderful friends, Annie and Bob) were in town taking refuge from Hurricane Ike. And the weekend before that was very busy with trips to the park, and the Austin Zoo, and a visit from Grandma that involved lots of shopping! And I have pictures of...the first trip to the park. And the second one (thanks to Aunt Fannie). Yes, I forgot my camera for the zoo, Grandma AND Annie and Bob. I know, I'm terrible at this 'mother' thing.
But before the pictures, updates! Max has been very good with saying 'please,' and he is even using sign language for 'more!' We also got a little table and chairs, and he is starting to use a plate and fork at all his meals, now. Most of the time he just bangs the fork, but sometimes he uses it. His biting is also much better-he hasn't bitten anyone in a week (knock on wood).
Papa has been home in the evenings, and Max is really loving seeing him on a more regular basis. Clint takes Max out to check on the chickens, and last night he showed Max worms. Max wasn't sure what to think about the worms, but he sure was fascinated! We had a good time at the Austin Zoo-Max got to pet goats and see another rooster (just like the one at home! He thought it was very funny when it crowed). We also saw tigers and monkeys and a big bear.
Last week, we took Max to the doctor because he has been stumbling and falling a lot. And the verdict is...Max is big. He's still gaining about a pound a month, and weighs in at 27 1/2 pounds, now. The doctor thinks he's stumbling for the same reason Clint did as a teenager-he's just growing too fast for his sense of balance to keep up. And now on to pictures...

Max's Antics
Max has been running wild through the house, and really pushing his limits, lately. He has learned the word 'no,' and its context from hearing it so often. One of his favorite activities (aside from pulling all his diapers off the shelf and hauling them to the opposite end of the room) has been climbing in & out and up & down. Here are some pictures of him climbing into a big blue bin we keep around for hauling laundry to the laundromat:
What are you laughing at? I totally meant to do that.
This is when I put the camera down...

And here's one of Clint reading 'Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?' to Max before bed. We've started reading a book before bed every night. Max loves books, and will bring them from his play room over to us to read to him constantly (and then take them back!).
Dog Bit
We had an overly exciting day on Sunday. We went over to see some friends for a BBQ on Sunday evening, and Max wound up getting bit by their dog! He's OK, though, and seems to have no fear of dogs afterward.
When we got to their house, Max met Barlow, and pet him, but didn't seem overly enamored with him. Barlow licked Max, and seemed fine with him, but wasn't seeking him out as a playmate. Max chased the cat, explored the house, and played with the seemingly endless supply of toys that single guys tend to accumulate. Barlow laid down on the rug and chilled, sometimes getting up to go outside, but otherwise, out of the way and calm. I guess Clint and I relaxed, as neither of them seemed to have much interest or concern about each other.
At some point, Max was wondering in Barlow's vicinity, making his way towards the backdoor. I turned my head for just an instant to speak to someone and I heard growling and a shriek. When I turned around, Max was face-down on the floor with Barlow standing over him. We are lucky that Max was not seriously hurt. He was bit, but since he was face-down, there wasn't much to bite. It looks like Barlow got his top jaw on Max's ear, which looked a bit bruised, and his bottom jaw put a small puncture wound in the back of Max's head. It bled a bit, but doesn't amount to much today. We think that Max accidentally tripped over Barlow's paw. Apparently, Clint knew there was a 'thing' with his paws.
After a little time, Max and Barlow both seemed fine. Max even wandered over to Barlow again, though with me right there this time. He didn't seem disturbed in the least by the incident. I'm not sure how I feel about that.... While I don't want him to be traumatized by it, I do want him to have an understanding of dogs and to know that not all dogs are friendly. We'll have to work with him on that.
When we got to their house, Max met Barlow, and pet him, but didn't seem overly enamored with him. Barlow licked Max, and seemed fine with him, but wasn't seeking him out as a playmate. Max chased the cat, explored the house, and played with the seemingly endless supply of toys that single guys tend to accumulate. Barlow laid down on the rug and chilled, sometimes getting up to go outside, but otherwise, out of the way and calm. I guess Clint and I relaxed, as neither of them seemed to have much interest or concern about each other.
At some point, Max was wondering in Barlow's vicinity, making his way towards the backdoor. I turned my head for just an instant to speak to someone and I heard growling and a shriek. When I turned around, Max was face-down on the floor with Barlow standing over him. We are lucky that Max was not seriously hurt. He was bit, but since he was face-down, there wasn't much to bite. It looks like Barlow got his top jaw on Max's ear, which looked a bit bruised, and his bottom jaw put a small puncture wound in the back of Max's head. It bled a bit, but doesn't amount to much today. We think that Max accidentally tripped over Barlow's paw. Apparently, Clint knew there was a 'thing' with his paws.
After a little time, Max and Barlow both seemed fine. Max even wandered over to Barlow again, though with me right there this time. He didn't seem disturbed in the least by the incident. I'm not sure how I feel about that.... While I don't want him to be traumatized by it, I do want him to have an understanding of dogs and to know that not all dogs are friendly. We'll have to work with him on that.
The Battle Continues
We are still battling over the word 'please' and general 'table' manners.... For some reason, this seems to be one of the few issues that just pushes my buttons. I like to think of myself as a pretty laid-back mom, for the most part, but sohelpmeGod, if I almost break my neck on another blasted green bean or grape, I am going to completely lose it.
I'm not sure why Max's table manners seem to be such a sticking point; my parents were not necessarily sticklers for table manners, and I'm not typically concerned with adult table manners. But the high-pitched screech and the constant 'thud' of food or cups hitting the floor (not to mention the stooping to pick it all up) has turned me in the the meal nazi.
And it is such inconsistent and slow going. Most times, when Max picks up a new word or behavior, you almost can't get him to stop saying or doing it. Not so with 'please.' I know he can say it-just this weekend he said 'Pease dat!' when I got out some blueberries, without even being asked (Clint was there for this one to verify that I am not always nuts when I swear our child can say things)! Yet, the last two mornings have been absolute battles over breakfast; and tonight he looked straight at me when I told him not to throw green beans and he threw them, anyway. I think it's probably safe to say that it's the fact that I know he is trying to push my buttons that sets me off.
leSigh. Otherwise, he is darling as could be. We have some great pictures from the weekend (Clint is standing by his assertion that no one actuall reads the blog, you just come for the pictures, and is on a mission to increase the number included). However, our camera battery died, and it has to be charged to that we can get said pictures off the camera. Check back soon!
I'm not sure why Max's table manners seem to be such a sticking point; my parents were not necessarily sticklers for table manners, and I'm not typically concerned with adult table manners. But the high-pitched screech and the constant 'thud' of food or cups hitting the floor (not to mention the stooping to pick it all up) has turned me in the the meal nazi.
And it is such inconsistent and slow going. Most times, when Max picks up a new word or behavior, you almost can't get him to stop saying or doing it. Not so with 'please.' I know he can say it-just this weekend he said 'Pease dat!' when I got out some blueberries, without even being asked (Clint was there for this one to verify that I am not always nuts when I swear our child can say things)! Yet, the last two mornings have been absolute battles over breakfast; and tonight he looked straight at me when I told him not to throw green beans and he threw them, anyway. I think it's probably safe to say that it's the fact that I know he is trying to push my buttons that sets me off.
leSigh. Otherwise, he is darling as could be. We have some great pictures from the weekend (Clint is standing by his assertion that no one actuall reads the blog, you just come for the pictures, and is on a mission to increase the number included). However, our camera battery died, and it has to be charged to that we can get said pictures off the camera. Check back soon!
Smiley Boy is Back
Max is feeling much better and went back to school today. He is back to his normal self, being all smiley and chatty and mischievous. This morning, when I dropped him off, he was the first one in his class to arrive. Ms. Bertha had him sitting up on the changing table, talking to him and filling in his arrival time on his daily report. She was writing and talking to him, telling him that his was his report, it belonged to Max. And then Max pointed at himself. She said yes, this was Max's. So, he pointed at the paper and then back at himself. This was the first time I've seen him do this, to identify himself in some way other than respond to his name being called.
Rough Day
I got a call at 11:00 this morning to let me know that Max had run full-steam into the corner of the changing table and now had a massive lump on his head and he seemed fine, but did I want to come take a look at it? And so I made trip #2 to the daycare for the day. He did seem fine, other than the lump and being a wee bit clingy. His pupils looked fine, he knew what a ball was, he called me 'papa,' and he danced. Everything was good, so I went back to work.
My phone rang, again, at 3:00. Now, Max had a fever. Though, when I arrived at the school for the 3rd time today, he was out on the playground, going just as strong as ever. I thought that it might just be teething (only 100.3 when I picked him up), but it seems he might have another allergy/sinus/respiratory bug. Poor kid can't seem to catch a break today.
In addition to all that, I do know he has a molar coming in that seems t be giving all of us a tough time. I will be sooo happy when we are done teething!
My phone rang, again, at 3:00. Now, Max had a fever. Though, when I arrived at the school for the 3rd time today, he was out on the playground, going just as strong as ever. I thought that it might just be teething (only 100.3 when I picked him up), but it seems he might have another allergy/sinus/respiratory bug. Poor kid can't seem to catch a break today.
In addition to all that, I do know he has a molar coming in that seems t be giving all of us a tough time. I will be sooo happy when we are done teething!
Greek Boy
No, I am not laying awake at night dreaming about the day my child will carry on a legacy of fraternal keg stands...
Max just finished dinner, and I realized that we are ready for a trip to the Mediterranean...my boy likes Greek food! He had turkey, spinach, olives, garbanzo beans, grapes, and bread! Max has started to 'request' the food I am eating, and that is how we have stumbled upon some new foods, including olives and garbanzo beans (which I put in salads). I have yet to win him over to tomatoes, but give me time!!
Max just finished dinner, and I realized that we are ready for a trip to the Mediterranean...my boy likes Greek food! He had turkey, spinach, olives, garbanzo beans, grapes, and bread! Max has started to 'request' the food I am eating, and that is how we have stumbled upon some new foods, including olives and garbanzo beans (which I put in salads). I have yet to win him over to tomatoes, but give me time!!
Row, row, row
Max really is talking up a storm these days, and I love listening to him talk-even when I can't understand what he's saying (or when I'm the only one who understands!). He is repeating everything we say, now. When I picked him up from school today, his teacher told me that he was starting to sing 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat,' which they sing everyday in his class. Today, he started walking around saying 'row, row, row.' He even did it for me!
My latest crusade has been to try to get him to say 'please.' Max has a terrible habit of screeching when he wants something (a behavior I'd imagine is not uncommon in his age group, but nevertheless drives me up the wall). So I have been desperately and unsuccessfully trying to get him to say 'please.' He said it for his Grandma, but has refused to say it since, until this evening. Tonight, he started making that noise and pointing to the refrigerator. I didn't know what he wanted, but I made an educated guess at watermelon, since it seems to be his favorite thing on the planet, right now. I asked him if that's what he wanted, and he tried to say 'watermelon.' Then, I pulled the container out of the fridge, and he got excited. I opened it, and then told him 'say please.' He made a couple of random mumblings, but after I said it three times, he said 'please' clear as day... That's what I thought. Now if I can just get him to quit throwing food...--M--
Now, I know everyone who reads this will call me nutty, but I swear Max told me to 'stay still' this weekend. I would think so, too, except the kid said it twice. Max was in his high chair Sunday morning waiting while I got his bagels and milk out for breakfast. I was standing next to his chair and he grabbed the front of my shirt and held it out as I turned away from him and told me 'stay still.' I turned back to look at him and he looked at me and said it again, 'stay still.' He proceeded to examine the print on my shirt (Clint's 'squid in a bucket' t-shirt) and then he pointed to the squid and said 'this?'
Picture Update
Kisses for Katie
Max has been a little less stingy with the kisses lately, and it is so special to watch him understand affection and express it. On Wednesday night at our small group, my friend, Trish, was making a 'fish face' at Max (sucking in her cheeks to make her lips pucker out), which he has thought was funny from the time he was very little. This time, though, I guess he mistook it for a pucker, and he walked over to her and gave her a kiss!
But today was the cutest thing that I have seen in regards to the kissing. I took him in to school, and was leaving so I squatted down to ask for a hug. Well, Max was busy playing, and was not interested in hugging me goodbye. But his friend, Katie, was! She walked over to hug me, which made Max jealous. So he walked over for a hug, too. Then Katie motioned like she wanted to give Max a hug, so I asked Max if he wanted to hug Katie. Except Katie puckered her lips, so Max leaned over and kissed her! It was the most adorable thing, and they did it twice more before I left! Max is taller than Katie, so he wound up kissing her on the nose! It made my day.
But today was the cutest thing that I have seen in regards to the kissing. I took him in to school, and was leaving so I squatted down to ask for a hug. Well, Max was busy playing, and was not interested in hugging me goodbye. But his friend, Katie, was! She walked over to hug me, which made Max jealous. So he walked over for a hug, too. Then Katie motioned like she wanted to give Max a hug, so I asked Max if he wanted to hug Katie. Except Katie puckered her lips, so Max leaned over and kissed her! It was the most adorable thing, and they did it twice more before I left! Max is taller than Katie, so he wound up kissing her on the nose! It made my day.
Introducing Tooth #8
Max spent 4 or so hours in the middle of the night Sunday screaming bloody murder. He finally fell back asleep sometime between 6 and 6:30, and didn't wake up again until 8:45 (I called in late to work for lack of sleep). I was a bit worried that maybe he'd caught a bug while drinking river water on Sunday morning, but then during breakfast Monday morning I spotted it: tooth #8. He now has the four front on both top and bottom, if anyone is keeping track. We've had a particularly hard time teething this last go-round. There's been biting and ear aches, and crying and it's seemed to go on and on and ON. I can't wait to see what molars hold for us...
Busy Weekend
Of course, I forgot my camera...but we went to see Grandma and Grandpa (Alex's parents) this weekend in Mason. We left Saturday morning and arrived around noon. Max screamed, more or less, the entire two hour drive...NOT music to our ears. When we reached the house on Peter's Creek, he was ready for lunch and a nap.
While Max napped, I snuck away to get a haircut (yes, I got my hair cut in Mason and I love it!), and when Grandma and I returned, the boys were running around behind the house. It seems that Max remembered the yellow garden wagon from his visit in April, and excitedly began wagon rides, and pushing & pulling it around the yard! Grandpa (and everyone else) was impressed, because this is no Radio Flyer...this is a Heavy-Duty country 'werkin-wagon' and it weighs a good bit.
In the heat of the afternoon, we decided to break out the kiddie-pool, and Max had a blast! He splashed and poured the water, stuck his face in, and got out to push the wagon when he got too cold. At dinner, he pointed to Clint's fork repeatedly, so Clint gave it to him. And-surprising us all-Max started to use it! Fairly clumsily at first, but he was getting the hang of it! It often amazes me what he is ready for and how quickly he develops! This evening, when we got back into town and were running errands, I bought him a toddler fork and spoon, and he used his fork for dinner.
Today, we went out to the garden, and Max helped Papa and I pick green beans. He tried a cherry tomato (which he promptly spit back out and threw on the ground...More for me!). I was pleasantly surprised to see how carefully he walked in between the rows and didn't step on any of his Grandma's plants! Then we went to the Llano river, and Max played and threw rocks. He had such a fun time sitting in the water with all of us, and moving the rocks around. I'm so happy to see him enjoy the water!
Max is talking up a storm, now. He has learned 'uh-oh' from the kids at school, 'this,' 'that,' 'go,' 'up,' 'down,' 'hot,' 'cold,' 'blue' and this weekend he started saying several things, including 'meow' and 'please!' He is starting to mimic so much of what we are saying, and understanding even more. After bathtime tonight, I wrapped him up in a big towel and told him that he was a baby taco, and he started saying 'taco' (granted he was pronouncing it 'paco')!
Max got a phone of his own, this weekend, that he loves...he spent all weekend opening it and closing it and pushing the buttons.
The weekend was finished off with a drive back to Austin which, thankfully, included a pretty content and quiet backseat passenger.
While Max napped, I snuck away to get a haircut (yes, I got my hair cut in Mason and I love it!), and when Grandma and I returned, the boys were running around behind the house. It seems that Max remembered the yellow garden wagon from his visit in April, and excitedly began wagon rides, and pushing & pulling it around the yard! Grandpa (and everyone else) was impressed, because this is no Radio Flyer...this is a Heavy-Duty country 'werkin-wagon' and it weighs a good bit.
In the heat of the afternoon, we decided to break out the kiddie-pool, and Max had a blast! He splashed and poured the water, stuck his face in, and got out to push the wagon when he got too cold. At dinner, he pointed to Clint's fork repeatedly, so Clint gave it to him. And-surprising us all-Max started to use it! Fairly clumsily at first, but he was getting the hang of it! It often amazes me what he is ready for and how quickly he develops! This evening, when we got back into town and were running errands, I bought him a toddler fork and spoon, and he used his fork for dinner.
Today, we went out to the garden, and Max helped Papa and I pick green beans. He tried a cherry tomato (which he promptly spit back out and threw on the ground...More for me!). I was pleasantly surprised to see how carefully he walked in between the rows and didn't step on any of his Grandma's plants! Then we went to the Llano river, and Max played and threw rocks. He had such a fun time sitting in the water with all of us, and moving the rocks around. I'm so happy to see him enjoy the water!
Max is talking up a storm, now. He has learned 'uh-oh' from the kids at school, 'this,' 'that,' 'go,' 'up,' 'down,' 'hot,' 'cold,' 'blue' and this weekend he started saying several things, including 'meow' and 'please!' He is starting to mimic so much of what we are saying, and understanding even more. After bathtime tonight, I wrapped him up in a big towel and told him that he was a baby taco, and he started saying 'taco' (granted he was pronouncing it 'paco')!
Max got a phone of his own, this weekend, that he loves...he spent all weekend opening it and closing it and pushing the buttons.
The weekend was finished off with a drive back to Austin which, thankfully, included a pretty content and quiet backseat passenger.
Sweet Boy
Clint and I have recently been working with Max on kissing. He was still kissing open-mouthed, and sometimes it was hard to tell if he was trying to kiss you or bite you (though, we still have this problem since he likes to blow raspberries, too). So, several weeks ago, we were teaching him to kiss with a pucker, which is really cute to watch him try to do! He will sometimes give Clint or I a kiss when asked, but most often his answer is a vigorous head shake 'no' and a devious smile.
This morning we were playing, and Max noticed my hair clip. He pulled it out and played with it on his own for a while, but then he started trying to put it back in my hair. This meant he was really just combing my hair with it, since he isn't strong enough to open the spring in the clip. He was standing behind me doing this, and then he hugged my neck. When I turned around, he gave me a kiss all on his own! He did this, again, a minute or so later, but I couldn't turn enough to reach his face, so he made a little kissing noise at me! So sweet!
This morning we were playing, and Max noticed my hair clip. He pulled it out and played with it on his own for a while, but then he started trying to put it back in my hair. This meant he was really just combing my hair with it, since he isn't strong enough to open the spring in the clip. He was standing behind me doing this, and then he hugged my neck. When I turned around, he gave me a kiss all on his own! He did this, again, a minute or so later, but I couldn't turn enough to reach his face, so he made a little kissing noise at me! So sweet!
Naked Baby Photos
Who doesn't love naked baby pictures? Max got to take a bath with his adorable cousin, Bella, last weekend, when we went (last minute) to Santa Fe for the 4th of July. Here are some of the pictures Clint took while they played in the tub:
The wonder of the faucet...
Bella and Max had such a good time together!

Isn't she just beautiful?!
Awww....look at the love!
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