
The Battle Continues

We are still battling over the word 'please' and general 'table' manners.... For some reason, this seems to be one of the few issues that just pushes my buttons. I like to think of myself as a pretty laid-back mom, for the most part, but sohelpmeGod, if I almost break my neck on another blasted green bean or grape, I am going to completely lose it.

I'm not sure why Max's table manners seem to be such a sticking point; my parents were not necessarily sticklers for table manners, and I'm not typically concerned with adult table manners. But the high-pitched screech and the constant 'thud' of food or cups hitting the floor (not to mention the stooping to pick it all up) has turned me in the the meal nazi.

And it is such inconsistent and slow going. Most times, when Max picks up a new word or behavior, you almost can't get him to stop saying or doing it. Not so with 'please.' I know he can say it-just this weekend he said 'Pease dat!' when I got out some blueberries, without even being asked (Clint was there for this one to verify that I am not always nuts when I swear our child can say things)! Yet, the last two mornings have been absolute battles over breakfast; and tonight he looked straight at me when I told him not to throw green beans and he threw them, anyway. I think it's probably safe to say that it's the fact that I know he is trying to push my buttons that sets me off.

leSigh. Otherwise, he is darling as could be. We have some great pictures from the weekend (Clint is standing by his assertion that no one actuall reads the blog, you just come for the pictures, and is on a mission to increase the number included). However, our camera battery died, and it has to be charged to that we can get said pictures off the camera. Check back soon!


poshdeluxe said...

hey, i *read* it! i love max stories!

and i totally get why this table manners thing pushes yr buttons. basic politeness is a HUGE thing for me, so i can only imagine how frustrated you feel.

but i bet max will get better (with time). i can't wait to test him out tonight...

Anonymous said...

I want you to know the Robin Clayton family check personal email and then the blog of the grandkids. It's a daily joy to take a peek into Max and Bella's life.

Anonymous said...

We read the blog too!!!!! I love to read about green bean battles and high pitched squeals : D

~Aunt Ree and Family