
Kisses for Katie

Max has been a little less stingy with the kisses lately, and it is so special to watch him understand affection and express it. On Wednesday night at our small group, my friend, Trish, was making a 'fish face' at Max (sucking in her cheeks to make her lips pucker out), which he has thought was funny from the time he was very little. This time, though, I guess he mistook it for a pucker, and he walked over to her and gave her a kiss!

But today was the cutest thing that I have seen in regards to the kissing. I took him in to school, and was leaving so I squatted down to ask for a hug. Well, Max was busy playing, and was not interested in hugging me goodbye. But his friend, Katie, was! She walked over to hug me, which made Max jealous. So he walked over for a hug, too. Then Katie motioned like she wanted to give Max a hug, so I asked Max if he wanted to hug Katie. Except Katie puckered her lips, so Max leaned over and kissed her! It was the most adorable thing, and they did it twice more before I left! Max is taller than Katie, so he wound up kissing her on the nose! It made my day.

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