

Max is on a serious movie kick and usually asks to watch a movie at least once a day (often first thing in the morning). So, we've seen the Lion King once or twice around here, recently (and by "once or twice" I mean "enough times to have the script dedicated to memory"). For this reason, Clint was singing the intro to "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" yesterday afternoon. He was wandering around the kitchen singing "A weema-wep, a weema-wep..." when Max piped up with his own interpretation of the lyrics. Only Max's version was ever-so-slightly more inappropriate. Max's version of the lyrics sing "A weiner-whack, a weiner-whack..." Aren't boys fun? I can already envision the calls I will one day recieve from his teachers.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Like father like son ... you will get plenty of calls.
