
Busy Bee

Max has been keeping us very busy, lately, and by the time it is all finished, we are utterly exhausted! He speaks more and more every day, and is really loving puzzles, books, and being outside. Max loves to sit in the front seat of the car and tell me "I drive, Mama!" He also likes to "go fast." One night, I was leaving the house for a run and Max told me "Go fast, Mama!" Here are some pictures of what we've been up to, lately:

Clint, Max, and the neighbor cat, Annie, sitting on the front porch.

Max loves to 'help' by sweeping or vacuuming.

He also loves to play with our shoes. Here, he is shuffling around in mine.

Max will no longer let me help him eat. He looks like this a lot more after meals, now; especially if they involve a spoon.

Max wearing his "scarf" aka, the belt to Papa's robe.

Max and Papa cuddle on the couch before bed.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of Clint and Max on the couch before bedtime. Too cute.