
Indeed, It Was...

I got a text message from a friend last night at about 11:30 wishing me a happy mother's day. I read it, and then looked down at the sweet bundle of blond little boy curled in my arms. He had woken up a few minutes earlier, and we were now lying in my bed, him curled in the crook of my arm, looking into each other's faces and smiling. He put his chubby little hand on my face and told me a story in a language that my mind doesn't understand, but my heart does. It involved liberal use of the word 'papa,' and many dogs barking. We cuddled, and talked for a few minutes, and then I put him back to bed, thinking that I could have never imagined a love so all-encompassing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And you can now tell Clint that people do read this blog for the stories and NOT just for pictures : ) I got teary eyed thinking of these moments to come for me. I can't wait :-D

~Auntie Ree