Max has always loved our cell phones, mostly because they light up and make noise when you push the buttons. But, recently he's figured out what they do. When my phone rings, Max will hold his hand up to his ear and say 'hi!' He's even started talking into the phones, themselves, and when he plays with them, the first thing he does is hold the phone to the side of his head (he even did this with my parents' portable phone in Mason). I've even noticed that when he wants one of our phones, he will hold his hand up to his ear and look in the direction of the phone in question.
Max's word of the moment is 'shoes.' He know what shoes are, what his shoes look like, and which shoes are Mama's. He even says shoes, pronouncing it sort-of like 'shus.' At our small group on Wednesday, he found Holly's shoes and started playing with them, and even tried Emily's on.
He can also say 'dog,' 'woof-woof,' 'ball,' 'balloon,' 'book,' 'bird,' 'mama,' 'papa,' and 'pa-paw.' He has his own word for 'glasses,' which is 'gah.' Today he pointed to the cup of milk in one of his books when he was thirsty, and I find that he is finding other ways to communicate to me his wants and needs. It's so exciting to watch him figure out how to tell me things!
Max loves music and loves to dance, but his favorite music is hip-hop. I'm guessing because of the very distinctive beats. Sometimes he will dance to other types of music, but if hip-hop comes on, I know he is dancing away in the backseat. His little Ray Charles-esque groove has been refined to a more distinctive head bob. Sometimes, if he's standing, he will bounce. And I've even noticed what I think might be a bit of singing...He's even starting to get the clapping with 'If You're Happy and You Know It.' Not in the right spots, but he knows that he claps.
Our little guy has finally gotten the hang of how to get off of things (the bed, the couch, chairs) by flipping onto his stomach and shimmy-ing off feet first. It's really cool to watch him do this! I also noticed that he can reach forward and pull himself onto things, if they are narrow enough for his arms to span (like a bench or a chair that's lower to the ground and not too deep)!