
What? I can't hear you.

Max has an ear infection AND an eye infection. Therefore, I am unexpectedly home on a Friday afternoon. 2 weeks in daycare and he's already sick. Max is definitely in a cranky I'm-tired-but-I-don't-want-to-sleep mood, but we're hanging in there. Unfortunately, I think this means we will be missing most of Mosaic's (our church) Grand Opening festivities this weekend. :( But, Max did finally make it to the doctor. And we discovered that our little drool monster weighs in at 17 lbs, 4 oz. I knew there was a reason my arms hurt...

Slobbery kisses to all of you out there in Max's Fan Club.


Anonymous said...

I hope Max feels better soon!

kristen said...

Get well soon! Welcome to the world of daycare -- we prefer to call it "inoculation", and he won't be out so much when he starts kindergarten!