Max has a few new tricks since the last post. He now does what Clint calls 'blowing bubbles.' I guess it's kind of like what some people call blowing raspberries-a wet, spitty 'razzing' noise he makes with his lips & tongue. He loves to do this and now does it more than babbling. He's almost always sporting a wet spot on the front of his shirt from it. Clint calls it 'baby slime.'
Max has also discovered his built-in pacifier, a.k.a. The Thumb. He will sometimes opt for all fingers in the mouth, but more often than not, now, he is just sucking on his thumb. Although, he hasn't figured out what to do with his other fingers yet, and they usually wind up poking him in the eye. He doesn't seem to mind.
Also, he has started to grab his foot & big toe. He will sit and hold his left big toe (or whatever part of his foot he can manage to grab) in his left hand. And he does it, or tries to, all the time- while riding in his carseat, while eating, while lying in his cradle, while I'm trying to change his diaper...I guess it's just a matter of time before the foot winds up in the mouth, too. Update: He can now grab both feet at once. This is really cute. I'll have to get a picture.
Finally, Max has started grabbing & holding many other things. He has some little plastic linking rings that he can hold onto and likes to try to get into his mouth while on his belly. He also loves burp cloths, blankets, and any type of fabric that he can manage to get into his mouth. And, he has become a master at glasses-snatching, to our dismay.
And now, for the good stuff. Some pictures of our recent visit to see Grandma & Grandpa in Mason:
some pics after our hike down to this:
The creek that runs behind my parents' property.
'Aunt Brenda,' my folks' neighbor & good friend, and Shadow, one of the new babies.
Cutie boy, playing on his blanket outside.
Hummm .... just a thought here, but I think you should delete the creek Pic unless you can insert Max into it somehow. After all, this is 'sposed to be 'bout the boy, right. :) LOL
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