
A Budding Personality

I never had any idea, before cracking open 'What To Expect The First Year,' that babies had so many developmental milestones. It's no wonder kids crack under the pressure to succeed. But that's a topic for an entirely different blog...

Max has already surpassed every developmental milestone that he 'should,' 'will probably,' 'may possibly,' and 'may even' accomplish by the time he reaches 4 months old. Thus, I have to say he's pretty amazing. Of course, one might argue that I am slightly biased. Ever the Proud Papa, Clint has already declared that Max will be crawling next week. I certainly hope he's wrong.

All that being said, the most incredible part of motherhood is watching Max develop into his own individual. He is starting to express his very own personality, complete with likes and dislikes. For instance, Max likes:
  • rolling over: He will not stay on his back when placed on the floor, now. He's so proud of himself! I've had to impose a '30 minute' rule between eating & playing...
  • his Dad: Max gets a huge grin on his face every time he sees Clint-it's adorable!
  • 'standing': We have to support him for balance, but that's about it-he can hold almost all of his own weight on his legs.
  • 'talking': Max will babel on and on to any engaged audience.
  • grandparents: But then, who doesn't?
  • eating: obviously
  • smiling: Mas has learned not only how to smile, which he practices often, but that when he initiates smiling, he will get a smile (and usually a coo & a cuddle) back.
  • kicking: And, particularly, 'dropping his feet' in his cradle-a little trick he taught himself for entertainment while in, what I think he considers, solitary. He raises both legs up and then drops them, either together or separately, crashing down onto the mattress. He doesn't fuss in his cradle at night (unless he's hungry), but does this little trick to entertain himself until he falls back to sleep. Clint thinks it's brilliant; I might agree when Max gets his own room.
Max dislikes:
  • The '30 Minute Rule': He likes to move, especially when that movement is all on his own.
  • sleeping: Naps have become a process, as he has started fighting hard. I hope he gets over this in the same manner that Eli did (who now tells Darby when he wants to go 'nai nai.' Everyone together now, 'Awww....').
  • The car seat: Or, rather, being strapped into the car seat, esp. if it is not moving. He's usually OK once he is being carried or driven, unless he starts falling asleep (see above).
  • Not being the center of attention: So, babies tend to be a little narcissistic, and Max seems to particularly hone in on any time Mom is doing something that doesn't directly involve him (like eating...).
Things he is still unsure about:
  • dogs & cats: He has had many a curious nose in his car seat (belonging to the furry children of our family & friends), but the jury is still out as to whether wet noses & tongues are fun.
  • other babies/kids: Max occasionally likes the baby in the mirror, but hasn't shown much interest in any actual little people, yet.
It has been so much fun to watch Max develop and learn to express these interests; much more so than charting whether or not he can 'hold his head up 90 degrees' or 'focus on an object the size of a raisin.' I can't wait to teach him more about the exciting & beautiful things in this world. I love to think about his future and what he might be like as a child, adolescent, and teen. And I am trying not to get too attached to dreams about what he might show interest in someday, just in case he likes soccer & David Beckham more than baseball & Brad Ausmus (heresy). I will love him no matter what, but no son of mine...


Anonymous said...

Come on, he (almost) shares his birthday with Brad Ausmus...that has to mean something!!

poshdeluxe said...

when max starts crawling, our SG is gonna be in REAL trouble.