For Halloween, Max decided that he wanted to be Woody, from Toy Story. He still loves stories - movies and books both. We went to Savers (my favorite thrift store) and managed to find a toddler Disney brand Woody shirt. To that we added a black vest, cowboy hat, and a sheriff's
badge, and then the boots and jeans we already owned. The final touch was Papa's bandana and voila, Woody! We went to two Halloween parties with lots of kids and successfully wore him out! Unfortunately, my camera barely had a charge, and I only got about 3 pictures before it died. Here he is, all decked out:

For Thanksgiving last year, we were at my folks'. We spent Thanksgiving day with their friends, Mark and Sandee where Max got to pet a deer, play with Cinco the chihuahua, ride on the four-wheeler, and play with the older girls (quickly becoming one of his favorite things). Max and I went with Grandma to the Mason craft fair, and Max got to sit on Santa's lap.

For Christmas, we were at Mimzy & Pappy's with the whole gang. Max got to go to Mimzy's earlier in the week, and then Clint and I joined them for the weekend. Max and Bella had adorable footsie pajamas for Christmas morning and had the best time together. Max got lots of cool tools, and a really exciting dress-up set with all sorts of costumes - a frog, a pirate, a fireman, a baseball player, and more! We got to visit with Mimi and Gramps, too, who gave Max his favorite Thomas the Train blanket that he sleeps with every night. It was one of the best Christmases we've had, and so fun to see the kids enjoy their family and each other.

It has gotten late, already... more updating tomorrow!