We have been slowly heading back towards 'normal' after our dramatic week last week, though Clint is not yet back at work. Max has been very glad to see and spend time with his Papa, again, and he is back to his happy-go-lucky self. We went swimming for the first time in deep water (deeper than the knee-deep stuff in the Llano with my folks) at the hotel Mimzy and Pappy were staying at last Saturday, and Max wasn't too certain about it. He was very clingy (esp. for him!), and didn't want anything to do with anything that was not IN MY ARMS. Of course, he had just had a very odd week, and was in a strange place with a new experience. He did warm up to the idea of being in the water a little bit, and I think he will be a swimmer before too long.
I will hopefully have more updates and pictures, soon, once life slows back down a bit more.
At Home with Papa
So Max's school called me on Thursday around 11:00 to tell me they thought he had pink eye...GREAT. So I went to pick him up and brought him home to spend the afternoon with his Papa, since Clint wasn't at work, yet, and I had just started my new job. Clint also stayed home with Max on Friday... Max learned how to say 'poo poo' (and does that honestly surprise anyone?), how to eat a whole apple (not in it's entirety, just whole), and they (um, Clint) built a 'fort' out of the many extra boxes we had around the house. Pictures, below. I didn't get a picture of the fort before Max destroyed it (in less than 24 hours)...but he had fun!
Poor red eyes...Clint said this actually looked good compared to what it looked like when he got up from his nap...but he is loving that apple!
"Oh, Hi Mom...Um, nothing. I'm not doing anything..."
It's hard to see, now, but the long piece to the left was a tunnel, and the part Max is sitting in was actually on the top, where the big hole in the box is at the top of the picture. So, it was a long crawl tube with a spot where Max could stand and look out at the end. I could tell Clint had so much fun making it and showing Max how to use it. It just wasn't sturdy enough for him to climb on. Oh, well. There will be plenty more boxes!
Max's eye infection cleared up pretty quickly, so he'll be back at school tomorrow!
Max's eye infection cleared up pretty quickly, so he'll be back at school tomorrow!
Movin' on Up
Today Max moved up to the next classroom on his way to world domination. Really, it's only the second classroom amongst maybe hundreds that he will see in his lifetime, and maybe he knows this because the change didn't seem to phase him much. He was all 'Sweet! New Toys!' and got right to the business of playing. There were empty diaper boxes to push around! He was having great fun as I left, and doing about the same, 'driving' a truck upside down, when I came to pick him up.
In his new class, they get to go outside in the mornings (and sometimes in the afternoons, if it's not UnGodly hot...), and he only takes one nap! On a cot! I am so not ready for only one nap...Apparently he did pretty well not sleeping in a confined space. His teacher said he only got up a few times, until she went over to pat him to sleep. I think she was being nice. I know that kid. My bet is she meant 'sat' on him, and I just misheard her...
In his new class, they get to go outside in the mornings (and sometimes in the afternoons, if it's not UnGodly hot...), and he only takes one nap! On a cot! I am so not ready for only one nap...Apparently he did pretty well not sleeping in a confined space. His teacher said he only got up a few times, until she went over to pat him to sleep. I think she was being nice. I know that kid. My bet is she meant 'sat' on him, and I just misheard her...
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