
Oh, my...

How it has been a long and crazy few weeks since I last posted. Since then, Max turned ONE, I left him with his grandparents for a Week while I traveled to San Francisco, we took a trip to Santa Fe, and I lost my job. All in a little over 2 weeks. Nuts.

And, in addition to all that, life keeps moving on, and Max is full-on WALKING, waving constantly, throwing about any toy he can get his hands on (thanks, Granpa), getting into trouble, and being his social, dancing, loving self. He is displaying his personality and likes & dislikes more and more often, and starting to throw fits, now, when he doesn't get what he wants. He really understands what we are telling him. Generally he is such a good sport, and so fun. And the last year has been so indescribably amazing... I have always been able to imagine myself as a mother, but never could I have guessed what it could feel like to love someone in this way or the dimension of love it would bring to my marriage to see my husband as a doting father... I really can't imagine my life any other way. I can hardly remember life before the last year!

Here is a bit I wrote about Max on his birthday, April 13th:

As I write this, my (little) big guy is *hopefully* sleeping soundly at his Grandma and Grandpa's after a big day of bbq and exploration. We got up, loaded up a week's worth of baby gear, and headed out to Mason for some food, fun and gorgeous weather. Max also gets to stay in Mason for a few days while Mom is in San Francisco next week and Dad is working odd hours. It was so very hard to leave him there, but he didn't fuss at all, and I know he is in very capable hands. I just hope he doesn't eat too much ice cream...

Max tried smoke sausage, and black olives, and Grandma's beans, and ice cream today! All got his winning seal of approval, especially the sausage and ice cream. Max also got to swing in his swing, walk in the grass, look at the garden (and help cover plants), and play in the dirt.

It is just so amazing to me that he is doing these things...That we have a child and that he is such a lovely little person. Max has accomplished so much in the last year-growing from an eating, sleeping, pooping ball of cuddly-goodness to an independent, opinionated, mobile and active personality. He is this little sponge, absorbing and soaking in the world around him. He does new things everyday! He is learning to communicate-through noises, words, banging, motion...he has something to say (be it 'I want MORE', to 'I love you') and he is going to find a way to make sure you know what that something is!!! Max bangs on his tray when he wants more to eat (granted, his table manners leave something to be desired), he hugs his Papa and I, he shakes his head 'no' and so much more. He is always surprising me these days with how much he knows; 'answering' rhetorical questions, identifying his Papa when I mention Clint in conversation, and saying 'bye bye.'

Max loves music. Unfortunately for mom, it seems he much prefers the music on the radio to the talking on NPR. But he is one of the very few that appreciates my singing! He loves to dance. He dances to every kind of music, with a Ray Charlesesque head sway that never fails to make me laugh! He even dances when there is no music. He loves to bang on things. Loudly. All things. Clint recently fashioned him some 'drum sticks' and has decided that he will be a rockstar. And he is pretty darn good at beating anything within reach with them.

Max also loves animals. He is always ecstatic and curious about dogs. He loves our dogs, and will bang on the window in our bedroom to try to call them. Sitting in this window, watching for the puppies is one of his very favorite things. Second, of course, to dropping food off his high chair for them when they are inside. He also loves Miss Chaco, Trish's pup. We are working on being gentle, but sometimes Max gets so over-excited! Chaco is very gentle and loving with Max, bathing him with kisses and patiently allowing him to climb on her and pull her fur. She has even presented Max with her tug toy, one the highest forms of Chaco-affection!

Dogs are about the only thing this kid will drop food for-he loves to eat! Max took to solid food like a penguin to an ice cap, and hasn't looked back, since. Max even has a food dance that he does in his high chair when he is eating something he really likes. He eats ton of fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, meats... He even likes uncooked tofu. Recently, he has begun trying more seasoned foods, as I mentioned above. Most everything has gone over well, so far, with the exception of cottage cheese, raw onion (he insisted I let him try it), and raw bell pepper. I very much look forward to Max starting to eat a wider variety of food. I also dream about him helping me in the garden and teaching him to cook...but we'll see!


Coming Soon

Hello all! Max had a great time with all his Grandparents and I have some updates and lots of pictures. But I haven't had the time to sit down and write about him at 1 year old with the concentration and attention that I want...so it will be coming soon. Once we get settled back in and into the swing of everyday life, again.


Let the Festivities Begin

Max's birthday bonanza started today with a small party at school. I took in some banana muffins, which he and his friends ate for a snack, and then he opened a few presents from his teachers-some colorful balls, bath toys, a book, and a cute outfit. The bonanza will continue on his birthday, Sunday, when we will go to Mason to see Grandma and Grandpa-with whom Max gets to stay for a whole WEEK while mom is in San Francisco for work. Then, next weekend, we get to go to Santa Fe to continue the celebration with our grandparents, there. I may not get too much posted between now and the end of all this birthday madness, but I will try.

Also, a very happy Second birthday to our friends, Little E and Big E!!! Sorry we can't come to the party, guys! Have a blast!


Missing Papa

We had a great weekend together last weekend as a family, doing mostly nothing. This was really nice, as Clint and Max had not seen much of each other the week before. Clint's new work schedule is 1 PM - 10 PM, and last week he was unable to take Max to school. Max really missed his Papa! At night, when he would wake up, he would finish his bottle and then immediately climb across the bed to lay with his Papa. It was both very sweet and sad. And this weekend, he was all about his Papa. He only wanted Papa to hold him and play with him. They had the best time at the grocery store. While I did the shopping, Clint and Max explored the food, holding fruits and vegetables and learning about them. And then a sweet little older woman asked if she could touch Max and told him (as she patted his head) that 'they will call you blue eyes, like Frank Sinatra.' This week, Clint has been able to take Max to school before he goes to work, so they have been able to spend much more time together.