Yesterday was quite an eventful day for me & Max. We got to test out Mom's new productivity tool-the stroller! Thanks to Trish and a trip to Babies R Us this weekend, Max happily slept through my doctor's appointment and a dress fitting at the tailor. And I felt very accomplished!
In addition to all that action, something really exciting happened-Max's umbilical cord fell off. This means I got to do what I'd been thinking about since we registered for baby stuff; last night Max got his first bath. And since the only thing more embarrassing than your mom showing your date naked baby bathtime pictures is naked baby bathtime pictures of you on the internet, I figured why not start mortifying him now?

Max is not sure what he thinks about bath time.

Not so happy about his head being wet.

Mom made the mistake of not feeding Max before bath time-he's trying to eat the towel.